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GIVE YOUR FIGHT TO GOD | Inspirational & Motivational Video

a challenge should not intimidate you a problem should not frighten you because you are not alone the Bible clearly says in Exodus chapter 14 verse 14. the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace every challenge is an opportunity for you to watch God fighting for you although it may not always be easy it may not always be enjoyable but it is necessary if you want to experience the mighty hand of the Lord working you see every great Act of God almost always started with a problem so here's my advice to you don't always pray for your problems to go away start praying for the Lord to show himself in the midst of your problems don't always pray for your challenges to disappear but start praying for the Lord to empower you to overcome that challenge I encourage you to begin to see your problems as opportunities begin to see the fight before you as an opportunity for you to see God move and act in a mighty way maybe you're in a dry season and you find yourself on unstable ground well Saints where we're limited the Lord is Limitless where we see challenges the Lord sees opportunities opportunities for him to demonstrate his love for you opportunities for him to demonstrate his might and power to you don't ever become disheartened because you're surrounded by water and what I mean by that is in Matthew 14 when the disciples were in the boat they had nowhere to go they were essentially trapped if you got out the boat you're worried about drowning if you're in the boat you're still slightly worried about sinking or capsizing so the disciples were surrounded by water they were Bound by water but here came Jesus walking on the very thing that threatened the disciples the very thing that restrained and limited the disciples is what Jesus used to demonstrate his Superior power so don't be discouraged because you're surrounded by water don't be frightened because you're surrounded by water call out to Jesus the one who walks on the water so even if you're battered by the waves of life you can call on Jesus Romans 10 17 so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God if you begin to speak the word of God audibly repeatedly you will constantly be hearing the word of God and that is when Faith Comes so if I keep speaking Romans 8 verse 37 I am more than a conqueror through him that loved me if I keep speaking Deuteronomy 28 13 the Lord has made me the head not the tail Philippians 4 13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me first John 4 4 greater is he that's in me than he who is in the world if I repeatedly declare the word of the Lord I hear it my faith grows my belief grows people of God don't be defeated in your heart don't feel defeated in your mind no matter what you face be anchored and fixed on Jesus the trial you face may not look like Paul and Silas in prison it may not be a den of hungry lions but your situation might seem just as hopeless and just as intimidating however when you're in the thick of it when you have nowhere else to go don't allow yourself to be moved be unshakable in your faith be unshakable because you have God's promises to fall back on be unshakable because you have the Holy Spirit who will be your strength and your helper Jesus Christ is the only sure foundation in this cold ever-changing world he is our steadfast anchor circumstances change people change social norms and public perceptions change but the word of God remains true forever so be unshakable Saints now ask yourself where's your hope what's your hope built on what ground do you stand on I want to encourage you to make sure that you are rooted in Jesus Christ make sure that you are anchored in the one who died and rose again make sure that your hope your faith is built on the Firm Foundation that is the son of God My Hope my hope is in the living and active word of God it offers hope for the sick hope for broken relationships Hope For The Sinner and hope for the struggling believer the certainty of your hope should be based on the word of God because in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God that's what makes it so powerful more powerful than a two-edged sword so when in doubt be grounded in the word of God take the example of Daniel in the Bible although he was thrown into the lion's den he was unshakable in his faith he was anchored in Jesus look at Paul and Silas beaten and chained up in a dark prison but they still found the faith to pray and praise the Lord at midnight why because they knew that the one whom they were anchored to was greater than their circumstances they knew that Jesus Christ was greater than those chains he was greater than any punishment they would face so even if all the odds are against you continue to trust in the Lord and He will raise up a standard against the enemy Matthew 17 verse 20 because you have so little faith truly I tell you if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move nothing will be impossible for you this is a powerful reminder of how Mighty faith is God loves those who come to him broken with the realization that God has been faithful to them he has been gracious to them he has been kind to them even while they were still in sin so listen don't be downcast don't allow the devil to fill you with shame and guilt when Jesus Christ offers you mercy and he offers you forgiveness Saints repent be convicted not condemned

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