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From Struggle To Success | A Life Lesson Story On How Struggles Can Make You Successful |

once upon a time there was a farmer who was very hardworking he used to grow crops in the fields with great efforts and take care of them but often his crops would fail due to natural disaster sometimes there would be Dro sometimes excess rain sometimes scorching sun and sometimes storms due to some reason or the other his crops would get spoiled one day the farmer was sitting under a tree and looking at his ruin crops he angrily looked up at the sky and spoke to God oh Lord people consider you great and omniscent they say that you know everything but I don't think you understand how crops grow if you did there would not be constant floods storms and hurricanes you don't don't know how much loss we farmer suffer if I had the power to control the weather you would see how well I could grow my crops to his surprise he heard a voice from the sky which responded I give you this power this season you can decide you control the weather for the benefit of your crops the farmer was happy to hear this Divine voice from the sky after few days the farmer planted wheat in his field now the farmer had the power to control the weather as he wanted he prevented his crops from storms rain floods and scorching sun and that year he produced Harvest like he had never produced before the farmer was happy and at the same time was thinking that he will tell God that this is called The Right Use of power after a few more days when the crop was ready to be harvested the farmer started harvesting the crop with great enthusiasm but as soon as he started harvesting he was puzzled he noticed that there was no wheat but just empty husk the plants were huge and should have produced a great crop but there was no wheat at all he was very UPS set and started calling out to God again he shouted loudly oh Lord have you punished me then a voice came from above I have not punished you rather you are responsible for this you did not give your plants a chance to struggle you did not let them face tops endure heavy rains or withstand the scorching Sun you protected them from every challenge that's why all the plants remain hollow inside when plants face storms heavy rain and sunshine they struggle and develop strength this strength born from their struggle is what forms the grain of wheat you did not let them go through the tough times that would have strengthened them all the H remain Hollow because you did not let your plant struggle if we see in our lives then we will find that struggles and challenges are necessary for our growth just as crop need to face harsh conditions to become strong and fruitful people need to go through difficulties to grow and develop challenges are not punishments but opportunities to build strength and resilience a person who has never struggled in life can never become successful an athlete who does not train heart won't win a gold medal a businessman who has not faced early challenges won't be able to grow their business significantly a student who does not study diligently all the year can't expect to be at the top of their class struggle is essential for Success therefore whenever you face problems in in life always remember that these difficulties helps us grow stronger and more capable without challenges there would be no development or personal growth so Embrace his challenge as an opportunity to learn grow and ultimately succeed [Music]

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