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foreign [Music] ER lost his watch in his barn for Farmer that lost watch had very deep sentimental value so he searched all over the barn to find watch even after searching all the hay and corners of ban for a long time he could not find the watch at last he gave up and asked his workers to search the Lost watch but even workers could not find his watch after much efforts so he gave up and he said dejected outside his barn just then a monk was passing by from there when he saw the farmer sitting dejected he came to him and asked what happened friend why are you sitting so disappointed farmer HD said and said oh wise one I have lost my watch which was very near to my heart because that watch was gifted by my father to me I have searched every corner of my barn but I could not find my watch now I don't understand what to do after listening to the farmer the monk said is that all you have lost your watch that's why you are sad don't be disappointed I will find your watch saying this the monk went inside the barn to such watch just after 10 minutes the mom came out with watch in his hand when the farmer saw his watch in the hands of the Monk he jumped up with joy and said wow you have found my watch that is amazing but how did you do that how did you alone do what my workers and I could not do the monk smiled and said I did nothing but just sat on the ground and listen in the silence I was able to hear the ticking off the watch and then I searched in the direction of ticking sound I found the watch [Music] if we see in our lives we will find that in our busy life we have forgot the importance of Silence silence is something we don't hear much about in today's busy and hectic world we are surrounded by hustle bustle noise and activity in almost everything we do but we forget that silence allows us to notice things that we overlook it allows us to hear things that are buried under the normal Buzz of daily life the more silent you are while doing any work the better will be the output embracing silence may also help you settle into the present moment and quiet thoughts arising in your mind it can also help you to be more creative and improve your concentration and focus and with a bit of practice you can reap the benefits of Silence and improve your mental health and well-being therefore always allow your mind to have few minutes of silence because a peaceful mind can think better than a worked up mind [Music]

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