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foreign [Music] the man got curious and he asked the skull what brought you here sir and he was amazed because the skull said talking brought me here sir he could not believe it but he had heard it so he ran to the court of the king he told the king that I have seen a miracle I have seen his girl a talking skull it is lying just near our village in the forest the king also could not believe but he was also curious the whole Court followed they went into the forest the man went near the skull and asked it again the same question what brought you here sir but the skull remained silent he asked again and again and again but the skull was dead silent the king said I knew it before it is impossible skull cannot talk like this you are a liar but now this is too much you have played such a joke that you will have to suffer for it he ordered his guard to cut his head and throw the head near the skull for the ants to eat when the king soldiers were just going to cut the head of the man Justin laughed and asked the man what brought you here sir the man said talking brought me here [Music] if we see in our lives we will find that talking a lot can put man in a lot of troubles there are many advantages of being silent and many disadvantages of speaking too much those who speak more their mind also keeps on thinking more but those who speak less their mind also remains more calm and more peaceful than others when we talk more our mind starts thinking more and then we talk less our mind starts thinking less there is a direct relation between mind and speech that's why many Buddhist monks put so much emphasis on keeping silence when your mind is constantly chattering constantly thinking it does not allow the flower of Happiness to bloom inside it but a silent mind can look Within it can hear the silence inside it it can feel the happiness that is always bubbling there but if your mind is always thinking always chattering then it cannot hear the subtle Silence of Peace inside it it cannot feel the Bliss of happiness that is bubbling there if you want to hear the subtle silence if you want to feel the Bliss of Happiness inside your mind then always make a habit of speaking less though it is very difficult to speak Less in today's Busy World but always try to take some time out of this busy schedule to practice silence because there is no greater wealth in this world then the Peace of Mind [Music]

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