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Evil has No Power Over You | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Sa

my beloved child with deep love I want to tell you that I'm always right here with you I'm your loving father your God and the one who guides You Like a Shepherd in my arms you'll find a warm and genuine hug unlike any other you mean so much to me protecting you and filling your days with my love from morning till night is what I cherish most when you sleep I'm there too watching over you gently stroking your hair and Whispering comforting words that heal your heart gear you up for what's coming next and fill you with a peaceful joyful Spirit to start each new day with courage and Faith be brave dear heart don't let doubts or fears trouble you remember no challenge is too big when you're with me evil has no power over you because you're mine and I promise to defend you no matter what comes your way keep your faith walk confidently in this beautiful life I've given you and embrace the blessings without looking back I've buried your past hurts deep in the ocean and taken away the sadness that once weighed you down replacing it with a sacred joy and strength that lifts your spirit here you stand before my presence hearing these words of Love That shall be etched upon your heart they shall be the guiding flame leading you on the path to your blessings though at times you may feel small and weak remember that in me you have a safe Refuge with each step you take with every decision you make my Holy Spirit and my love accompany you but should those moments of sadness or fear return remember that even in your difficult days I am here trust in my word in my endless affection for in them you shall find peace and strength to persevere as you're a caring Shepherd I'm always by your side guiding you on your journey remember how much I cherish you with a love that's complete and genuine In My Embrace you're protected finding a safe haven always indeed I go ahead of you smoothing your way yet I wish to witness your faith and bravery I'm eager to have you with me enjoying blessings confronting challenges overcoming adversaries and advancing triumphantly hear me now the moment is here get ready to welcome plentiful blessings I assure you I've picked you to achieve Grand aspirations you weren't meant for defeat there might be times when you're anxious or fearful because things aren't progressing as expected when unexpected costs crop up and finances appear Limited but do not worry I'll handle your monetary concerns have confidence that I'm looking out for you and your loved ones even in hard times don't be troubled about money for I'm always with you providing guidance and support with trust and faith in me you'll view life with optimism and Hope just as I was there for you before I'm here now supporting you and your family extending my love and help at all times you are treasured by me my dear one journey through life knowing I am always beside you caring for you meeting your needs and leading you on paths filled with love and abundance each day you have the chance to connect with me through prayer experiencing my gentleness and comfort you're never on your own and your financial struggles are small compared to my love for you in times of scarcity remember I am your guardian when you endure deep distress just close your eyes and think of these words resounding in your mind they will bring peace to your heart my love envelopes you now you are shielded by my sacred presence I surround you with my care defend you with my Celestial forces your dwelling Your Existence your loved ones all are secure within the steadfast Fortress of my safeguarding today I invite you to open your heart to sense the peace in my voice to absorb the Comfort my words bestow upon your soul embrace the happiness with which I fill you I tell you now relax be at peace if tears fall let me wipe them away with my Tender Touch feel my affection cherish this moment with me right here right now I'm changing your life liberating you from any sorrow from now on you'll awaken with a smile spreading Joy among your family progressing contending believing trusting and constantly enveloped in my love and this gentle Embrace I offer you today know that I love you immensely and I will show you just how deep My Love Goes My Love is Real your heart feels it look around you and appreciate the many things and details I arranged to surprise you to capture your attention but you have enemies who hate that security they see in you who envy your character who want to steal your blessings they don't want you to be happy your faith and way of being threaten their malevolent intentions they feel defeated even before attacking you because they know well that I love you and I will protect you the only weapon they have left is to Pelt you with doubts and hurl threats at you they gather around you and Shout trying to convince you that you are mistaken that there is no love that you are not my daughter my son that I do not exist and that there is no purpose or destiny in your struggles but your spirit knows the truth because from the moment you open your eyes you already know and feel that my affection envelops you and this great love makes you strong lifts you up and gives you the energy to move forward fighting and walking from Victory to Victory day after day you belong to me and I shall take care of you even if storms topple mountains and even if the Earth shakes and its depths open before you my dear child do not be afraid neither you nor your loved ones will face harm as you are under my care trust in what I say believe in my love for you and find Assurance in the promises I've made have faith in my might I am your guide your sustainer I am the spark that Kindles your zest for living that eradicates your discouraging thoughts and rejuvenates the love you have for your family resist falling into despair avoid misleading those who hold you dear and rely on you steer clear of negative thinking that damages your peace of mind do not let destructive Secrets linger in your heart I am your parent your deity my affection for you is proven through the remarkable chance I am offering my love has been constant despite your imperfections and I will keep blessing you regardless of your missteps now is the moment to change to step forward in faith Faith towards a life of Liberation this message is Uniquely Yours Feel My Love Today and look forward to tomorrow for I have much more to share with you express your love for me now and I will provide the peace you're searching for the Tranquility you desperately need I urge you to find calm to stop your anxious pacing to release the tension in your heart and to clear the fog from your thoughts it's vital for your mental well-being your spirit and your whole being that you let go of these negative feelings and entrust them to me today understand this holding on to your fear anger and frustration only invites more trouble I'm aware of your material concerns your financial uncertainties and your health fears but

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