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EMPTY YOUR MIND AND SEE MAGIC HAPPEN | Zen story | Buddhist story |

foreign [Music] who was a famous scholar went to his Denmark and said sir I want to learn real truth of Life please guide me the zenmo cast who are you the man said you don't know me I am a very famous scholar of the city I have read many Buddhists and other scriptures also I have written many books on those scriptures I have a great reputation in this city but even after learning many scriptures I still could not find the truth I have come to you in hope to find that truth the Zen monk said okay since you have learned so many books and scriptures so write down whatever knowledge you have collected and bring it to me because whatever you already know need not to be told again it will be better for you if we talk on matters which you don't know the man returned and started writing whatever knowledge he had he had so much knowledge that three years passed while writing all that after three years the man returned to his Landmark with a bag filled with thousands of papers on which he had written all that he knew seeing such a big pile of papers the Zen monk said oh these papers are too many at this age I won't be able to read this much make it more concise and then bring it to me the man returned and started writing abstract it took him three months to summarize it after three months he came back to Zen Monk this time he had much less pages with him but still there were hundreds of pages the Zen monk said oh this is also too much my eyes have become so weak that it is not possible for me to read even this much make it more concise and bring me only a sense of it the man again went back and after seven days he came back with some pages with the essence of his knowledge written on it the Zen monk site and said oh you can see that I am really old now and can't read much go make it more concise just listening to it the man thought for a moment then immediately went to another room and brought back a blank paper then he gave that blank paper to the mock seeing it does sandbox smiled and said this blank paper means that you are blank completely empty now you are qualified to acquire knowledge and learn it because now you have understood the very basic that you know nothing if we see in our life we will find that we all are full of preconceptions all the time but we forget that the first step to learning is to know that you know nothing if your mind is already full of opinions and knowledge then there is no space for real understanding and wisdom and you will not be able to learn anything new this lesson seems to be very simple but its results are very huge till date all the enlightened beings who have been in the world had surrendered themselves to their masters as a blank paper and their masters wrote the words of wisdom on the blank paper of their mind this act requires a great courage to acknowledge oneself that I do not know because our ego does not let us accept that I do not know but once you overcame your ego and accepted the fact that you know nothing then one day you will surely acquire something in this world [Music]

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