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Don’t Live a Life without Meaning: Discover How Suffering Can Lead To Your Awakening

if a totally disastrous life brings you to a point of Awakening now retrospectively suddenly it fulfilled the purpose suffering in your life if it still arises uh use it so that the ego gets burned up by the suffering so to speak the ego gets burned up in this fire of suffering now we can call this conscious suffering that's very interesting concept conscious suffering when suffering arises become aware of it and accept that it's there in the form of fear anxiety regret uh you have self-pity you have unhappy sense of self uh complaining about your life many forms of suffering you've lost things you don't know things that you had identified with taken away from you who am I now I'm nobody I'm nobody well that's great be nobody more completely realize fully You're Nobody list your nobody nness I don't know who I am anymore I've lost everything all the things I've worked for I've begone everything is so pointless their mind is still talking it's all been for nothing it's all meaningless meaningless this is your mind talking don't believe in the things it says but it continues talking many humans in this world are suffering from what we could call nihilism I don't know if you know that word nalism nalism means the belief that everything is absolutely and utterly pointless that's a deep form of suffering NE nism it doesn't make what's the point of it all just this awful life of mine is the whole world is pointless it's so awful and that's very deep suffering the total lack of me meaning everything is arbitrary random and meaninglessness is a mental disease that is afflicting millions of humans it it's because everybody the mainstream culture still believes it's goes back to the 19th century it goes back to D Darwin Origin of Species said life life evolved which undoubtedly is true but he said life evolved but the evolution of Life on this planet is an arbitrary random course of events molecules and atoms at random coming together and forming life forms over millions of years random the the idea of Randomness in the theory of evolution put forward by Darwin and others the idea of Randomness means it there's no purpose or intelligence behind it whatsoever it's a random process in other words it's the belief that everything that all life on this planet has no meaning it just is is a meaningless conglomeration of atoms and molecules it's ultimately meaningless that basically is the underlying assumption behind the theory of evolution that many people still believe and it has seeped into mainstream culture and even people who never even heard of Darwin it has seeped into their belief system that we live in a meaningless universe that's a before that happened we had certain religious beliefs so we there was some meaning and all those a lot of that perhaps was ideological and ego driven nevertheless in the ancient religion there is the the access to the Transcendent is still there here and there so there there still there were still little openings into the Transcendent even though many forms of religion developed into ideological belief systems that strengthen the ego nevertheless religion still carried and still carry uh the uh the secret of transcendence is still they're hiding within the religions and that uh became inaccessible to many humans so now we have the pandemic of nalism this is one of the pandemics far worse than any physical pandemic that everything the beef that everything is is meaningless so and you can have a meaning in your life that is very limited like for many people have the meaning okay I want to have a career that gives you limited meaning in your personal life I'm working for a career nothing wrong with that I'm working to create a better life for myself and my family that's also wonderful and great uh I'm I'm working to achieve recognition in this world etc etc that's fine too but at some point uh a meaning that is purely personal May begin to lose its power so that let's say you've spent two or three decades working for your career which is nothing wrong with it at some you may arrive at a point where your career doesn't mean anything anymore or you lose it that you lose your career and your status or it is it consumes you so completely that you you become ill with stress or in some other way turn into something that's not satisfying at all that actually creates suffering so something can give you limited meaning for a while for years and then suddenly turn out to be ultimately meaningless so and some people suddenly wake up and say all my life people fall ill seriously ill and then they look back on their life and see all the this was so pointless accumulating possessions why did I do that what was the point in that all the things that I was so anxious about when there now they let's say they're seriously ill now all the things that I was so anxious about that that were Cre what was that was so unnecessary and pointless all the things that I had been striving driving forward ultimately pointless that can be an opening suddenly wow The Limited personal meaning which was fine is better than no meaning at all to have a a personal meaning in your life better than no meaning at all but ultimately that that's not satisfying uh uh in the long term you have to go deeper to a deeper meaning that transcends who you are as a person and that is am I aligned with the purpose of the universe that that is the the ultimate true meaning am I aligned with the purpose and what is the purpose of the universe the purpose of the universe is consciousness bringing more Consciousness into this Dimension that's the purpose of the universe bringing more Consciousness into this Dimension am I aligned with that that's and it then if that is the case if you're aligned with that you you're a bringer of Consciousness a bringer of light that is the ultimate true purpose and it could be that your personal purpose and the deeper purpose can go together that's fine so you can you can have a career and yet it's not totally ego doin at it while you are act active working you bring in the light of Consciousness you do things in your work that bring more Consciousness into this Dimension that's wonderful you so you can have it is not necessarily a case of either having a career or being aligned with with universal purpose which is you can bring the two together that's perfectly that's that's the balance between the balance between being and doing as I sometimes call it the balance between being and doing bringing those two together but so the the purpose there's only one true purpose in your life and that you have to discover that and that is am I aligned with the Consciousness and am I bringer of Consciousness uh so that's the end of nalism is that and it no longer matters your entire past becomes relatively unimportant when you realize the meaning of life is to be a bringer of Consciousness let's say your entire past was one disaster after another it happens some people some people's 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