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Don’t be Scared and Believe What I Say | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

don't be scared trust me and believe what I say I promise to bless you greatly for your faith soon I know you're going through some tough times right now all the stuff happening around you is too much right it's making you stressed tired and worried it feels like everything's about to crash down leaving you feeling alone sad and without hope but dear one I want to tell you something important I've got this you don't need to be scared because I'm right here with you and don't worry I'm taking the lead fighting for you making sure you're safe remember I'm looking out for you even when things seem really big and hard to handle like a giant you have to beat or a huge mountain you have to climb I won't leave you on your own I'm going to make you stronger and smarter so you can get through any tough spot whether it's about money feelings or your spirit just put your faith and trust in me I'm bigger than any problem you might have I want you to live peacefully confidently and hopefully let go of all your stress weakness and fear believe that I'm helping you right now making you stronger and smarter and you'll be able to do everything you want to do for a life of prosperity and blessing is what I the Lord have designed for you remember every promise I have made to you for they are not just mere words but a testament to my unending commitment hold on to these promises as guiding lights on your Earthly journey in these promises you will discover my unwavering faithfulness they will not fade into Oblivion or get lost in life's chaos rather they will shine like stars in the night appearing at the exact right moment revealing my divine plan a plan that surpasses all constraints of time and space therefore do not be disheartened by the passage of time nor lose heart if answers to your prayers seem delayed have faith in me for through patience and belief you will witness the Fulfillment of each promise a reminder of my constant love and faithfulness place your trust in me for I Am With You every day fighting your battles and leading you to the Triumph you deserve remain in my presence and no harm shall overcome you your adversaries will Retreat and you will be victorious for with me you are more than a conqueror always remember in every situation I am your Eternal source of strength your immediate Helper and your Forever support I am your almighty God who blesses you abundantly and showers you with unceasing Mercy my love for you is boundless and nothing in the universe can diminish or change it thus when you walk through difficult and perilous paths be assured that my love and strength are with you do not doubt my child for I am always near in every step feel my loving Embrace for my infinite love will energize you to achieve every aspiration and the deepest yearnings of your heart remember in every trial test or challenge life brings my presence will fill you with bravery and be your Everlasting support guiding you every step of the way to the Bountiful blessings I have planned for you just believe in me even in the bleakest and darkest moments for I will be there in every circumstance never forget that I am your Invincible God enveloping you in favor showering you with endless blessings and mercies that overflow with peace joy and contentment my dear child my love for you is Limitless and unchanging walk in the assurance that all will be well for I am beside you holding your hand guiding you towards a life filled with success Serenity and abundance Never Surrender or turn back face this challenging moment with courage faith and determination then all your uncertainty shall dissipate and the Darkness shall give way to my eternal light which shall guide you on the path to Joy and the great and beautiful blessings I have reserved for you soon you shall see your goals flourish and you shall enjoy the fruits of your efforts receive what I tell you today and believe it for it shall all come to pass keep moving forward with faith until the end for with my right hand I uphold you and accompany you on your journey my child do not be sad You Are Not Alone on this journey called life I know that at times navigating this world can be challenging and perilous but I want you to continue walking with your head held high do not succumb to difficult moments nor be disheartened when it feels like everything is against you remember Remember You are not alone I am by your side my love and support shall never abandon you it is a promise I made to you and I shall fulfill it not only in your life but also in the generations to come so do not worry or despair when you have to Traverse dry and Aid deserts for I shall be there with you as an oasis of love and a source of Living Water do not be frightened when you feel feel lost for I shall be like a beacon in the darkness illuminating your path and guiding you to your true destination I shall protect you from the schemes of the evil one serving as a protective shield against life's adversities I shall drive away the ravenous wolf that seeks to take advantage of you ensuring your safety in every step you take when you feel Weak and Powerless do not hesitate to seek my assistance for my powerful arm shall always cover you in your times of dire need know that I am your safe haven your strength and in me you will find the power to conquer any challenge that blocks your way regardless of how distant you may feel from me or the depth of the mistakes or sins that have shadowed your past my love for you is unwavering Eternal and absolute nothing can overshadow my love for you not even your own flaws my love is a Perpetual Wellspring of Hope and within it you will find the courage to press forward come closer to me my cherished child seize this moment and heed my call let not the negative voices whether from within or without derail you from your destined path hold fast to my guidance leading you towards truth and Enlightenment resist the Allure of Temptation and the negative ity of this world for I have in store for you great and precious blessings reserved in your name even before your creation simply believe in my word and I will shower you and your family with Abundant Blessings from the heavens nothing can restrain my mighty hand for my promises are unshakable and true trust in them and I will reaffirm my commitment to you once again know that I have a magnificent purpose for you and my blessings are plentiful just have faith and you will witness my promises come to life in your journey no matter the obstacles do not be disheartened in the face of trials for they are merely steps on the path to your prosperous and triumphant Destiny my child trust in my might and stray not from the path I have laid before you avoid succumbing to harmful desires or yielding to temptations that you encounter remain steadfast in faith and focus your Gaze on me your guide and shield I will assist you through life's turbulent seas and together we will triumph over every Tempest co

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