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Do Not Fret and Hear Me | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

my beloved child do not fret I'm cradling your heart with boundless love and warmth right now even as worries surface and storms rage around you I am here wrapping You In My Embrace shielding you from letting these tribulations steal your joy the gifts I lay before you today surpass anything you've ever sought in prayer you have endured much to reach this moment generously nurturing the lives of those dear to you yet in this time of Plenty adversities test your faith and resolve hear me now embrace my promise and do not fear I understand what you are facing nobody can ruin your dreams spoil your good fortune or take away these joyful moments from you what I'm about to give you is Way Beyond anything you've lost before I'm the one who writes your story and I allowed these challenges because I'm getting you ready for even bigger and better things get ready to see a miracle so amazing and wonderful that you and your family will be stunned it will touch their hearts so deeply that they'll have no choice but to bow down realizing my love for them feeling sorry for ever doubting even you will see those who doubted you ask for your forgiveness they laughed at your faith but my kindness is so immense that I came personally to show them my love so I'm here now speaking gently and with affection urging you stay calm stand strong hold on to your dreams and don't be scared of the tough times in this world there might be times when it feels like everything is falling apart While others around you are consumed by fear turning to hate ignoring my teachings and abandoning The Hope I've given you stand strong like a tree by the water's edge you grow in wisdom and Faith producing good things in your life and your hope stays alive you experience peace safety and plenty of spiritual blessings even when others are caught up in their worries feeling lost and empty because they've turned away from my guidance don't follow the crowd Keep Your Home Free from arguments and conflicts stay away from people who try to make you doubt ignore hurtful and silly talk keep evil outside your door don't look at things that pollute your heart and mind stay alert and brave encourage every member of your family to forgive and be kind to one another make sure they don't go to sleep holding on to anger or bad feelings because that would let the bad dreams of illness and ruin into their lives so work on forgiving each other I've already forgiven everyone and don't keep reminding them of what they did wrong I forgive and forget their mistakes which I've tossed into the Sea's depths don't keep bringing up old wounds don't dredge up mistakes from long ago don't upset each other by rehashing faults I've already forgiven or by blaming each other for things that happened just yesterday forgive and let go and my holy spirit will live in your hearts those who really love and understand me always try to forgive and forget not letting guilt or arguments control their feelings actions or thoughts listen to what I'm saying be loyal and follow my guidance and you'll see your life change for the better witnessing many of the blessings I've promised come to life your feelings won't be upset by unexp expected changes and your troubles won't make you sad I want you to live peacefully strong in your inner calm I'm not saying you'll have a life without challenges only those who are afraid want a life without having to try hard or take charge I've told you over and over to put in the effort and be brave not to be scared or give up you don't have to be paralyzed by fear or filled with doubt just like I've been there for you in the past and got you through tough times I'll do it again and again my love is Limitless my kindness never runs out your life is safe with me your achievement is recorded in my ledger your success is guaranteed your Victory is certain tomorrow I'll give you the strength your heart needs once more I will shower joy and blessings on your family Heaven's Gates will open and prosperity will pour down on your home tell me you trust in what I've planned for you for nothing and nobody can ruin it today I reaffirm This Promise between you and my be strong and courageous extend your vision towards a future of abundant blessing I no longer want you to worry abandon Despair and sleep soundly for I am your Shepherd your lord your savior I send you these words from my Throne hoping you will treasure them in your heart if you are weary come to me and I will give you rest this I ask of you with great love cease striving in your own strength if you feel overwhelmed by the multitude of problems around you stop what you are doing and kneel I'm going to fill your life with the spiritual strength you need and you'll stand up again Ready To Face Down evil no one can hurt you you're safe from any harm each morning the sun will rise lighting up your way showing you that I'm with you from dawn until dusk you will sense my presence all around you and extraordinary things will start happening don't look back or miss your old wrong ways don't go back to where you felt small or let those who hurt you have any power over you now it's time to move towards your goals and with my help you'll reach them walk with me hold my hand and when you face a challenge call out for a miracle I'll surely respond I'll be right there with you on every Journey every step of the way you're going to see amazing things happen your past errors will be corrected people you upset will forgive you your way will be clear your adversaries will keep their distance the chains holding you back will snap and you'll enjoy true happiness and freedom for every minute you spent in shame you will be rewarded with peace and prosperity I want to protect and shield you from all evil preventing you from falling into the abyss of death and sin that seeks to separate you from me my light illuminates your life to prevent the enemy from leading you into Paths of darkness and error never seek vengeance seek within my words the strength I wish to bestow upon you to withstand amidst the assaults so that you may stand firm and not falter so that your faith and loyalty never waver don't let feelings like anger frustration or bitterness into your heart forgive those who hurt you and pray for them but keep moving forward without any doubt because there are still many good things ahead for you you can only progress freely when you forgive and let go of the past so leave what's behind and look forward to what's coming because happy and blessed days are on their way remember everything you have is a gift of Grace and through your faith I am blessing you with gifts for which you should always be thankful I ask for your unwavering loyalty to always put me first in your life look for me first thing each day think carefully before you act call out to me and I will provide you with the guidance you need Victory doesn't come from your own efforts or cleverness but from my strength and spirit Embr

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