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Do Gurus always Speak the Truth? With Sadhguru in Challenging Times – 11 Oct

Sadhguru: Namaskaram. Namaskaram to all of you. In a long time I'm having a group of people in front of me (Laughter). I’ve been only seeing microorganisms (Laughs). You're the first big organisms I'm seeing in a long time (Laughs). Namaskaram to all of you wherever you are. Here we are in Los Angeles. Well, Pacific Time 5:30 in the morning. Wonderful to see a tennis court full of people, maintaining social distance except these two (Laughs). I get you. Already infected, so it’s okay (Laughter). Well, as you know, the virus dance is on across the world, particularly in United States and India. Still nearly a thousand deaths per day. In many places, slowly, the medical infrastructure is getting overwhelmed, many parts of the world including India, and above all, the medical personnel of doctors and nurses and others, after nearly six months, they're just exhausted of what is demanded of them. I know many doctors in India had not gone home… gone home for up to two months, because if they went home, in the apartment buildings, other people are protesting, “You're bringing this stuff into the housing,” and also the risk of their own families getting it. So they've been staying in hotel rooms, and going to hospital. It's been a very hard time for people who are on the front line. And common people, all of us, if we don't cooperate and see that the number of people infected is minimal – if you don't do that, I don't know when they'll throw their hands up and say, you know, “Manage yourself a little bit” (Laughs). Because it's becoming too much for many of them, endlessly fighting this. About one hundred and forty doctors had died about a month ago in India, being overexposed to the virus. So, these are times which are really testing how conscious and how responsible we can be. Because we are the carriers, not some other organism. If it was some other organism, we would talk about how to exterminate that organism, how to poison them, how to chemically bomb them, do something, but it’s us who are the carriers. So it's a nice challenge, it’s a terrible challenge but nice challenge for all of us to prove that we're human. When I say to prove that we are human, this is the only creature who is referred to as a being. So the first quality of who we are is we know how to be. Hello? You agree with me? Participants: Yes. Sadhguru: You know “How to be?” Participants: Yes. Sadhguru: Wonderful (Laughs). But “How to be?” has been the human challenge. People are struggling how to be, not just because of virus, even otherwise, just how to be. Everybody was complaining, a whole lot of people at least not everyone, about how they have loved ones at home and every day they have to leave them and go to that stupid office and endure that boss and the work. Now suddenly, they're home. Now mental pandemic is rising. What happened (to?) ‘The home sweet home’ business (Laughter)? So, problem is most human beings do not know how to be, wherever you put them, there, there is struggle. In the workplace struggle, home struggle, on the streets struggle, everywhere struggle. Because the struggle is within the human being. Situations come and go all kinds. Compared to the type of situations other generations of people have faced, this is really nothing, if you ask me. Hello? Huh? We were not there when the World War II happened; we were not there when the asteroid hit United… North America. Hello? Just the virus. You shouldn't sneeze in anybody's face. Simple. Hello? Let's maintain some distance. How difficult it is. And the statistics say, some of the studies are showing seventy percent of the people who get infected, they're not giving it even to one more person, it’s stopping with them. But ten percent of the people are giving it to ninety percent of the infections are because of them. So this is a great mark sheet for human beings, that seventy percent of the people are responsible people. Tch, wonderful, isn't it? But this ten percent superstars – no, no, they're super-spreaders (Laughs). Oh, we are not able to teach anything to them (Laughs). So that's where we are. And as others aspects of life take over – well in America, it's the election; in India, it's the economy; in another place, it's something else – as it takes over, the virus news is slowly moving to the background, like it did with so many other ailments. You know, I don't know how many million people have died of tuberculosis in the last century, how many million have died of malaria in the last century or in recent times, dengue, chikungunya, bird flu, swine flu, whatever, whatever, whatever and the regular influenza in America. We kind of accepted that, but the important thing is, they came up with some kind of a treatment protocol. I think that's what is the most important thing, responsible behavior and in case we get infected, there is an effective treatment protocol. This is what needs to happen. But of course, everybody is looking for a magic wand called vaccine that we do it and everything will be fine. No, no. That's not how it's going to work. Because this is a kind of thing that can endure. It's not like flu, it's just passing. This is a kind of thing that can endure. You can take a vaccine today and two months later, anyway, you may get the infection once again, it’s very much possible two or three months later. So, well if they come up with a magic wand solution, it’s fantastic. But by the time the magic wand touches all the human beings on the planet, there could be a whole new… new cycle going on. So the magic wand is responsible behavior. Hmm, conscious behavior. And all of you… all of you looking so pretty with this. How much money you must be saving on the makeup, lipstick, this, that, the works. I'm sure economy, personal economy is improving, and companies may be suffering (Laughs). Those of you who were never smiling, this is a good thing (Laughter). Well, as you know, we've been traveling to various parts of America, particularly touching all the Native American cultural centers and reservations, but unfortunately, most reservations are under some kind of lockdown, because that population is quite badly affected by the virus. And most of the elders in the… in the tribes or in the nations are over in their late seventies or eighties. So meeting them has been a challenge. So even there we are going on Zoom calls and Google Hangouts and not really physically meeting them. It's unfortunate though, we're going to those places, we are not able to meet most people that we should have met. But, passing through some parts of America has been very a powerful experience. We will be exploring these dimensions and putting it out. It will take some time. But I was at the Bryce National Park – how many of you been to Bryce and Zion? Oh, no, no, no. These are must see. This is… this is a super-tremendous phenomena, natural phenomena, but incredible. Those people who read textbook science and think they got it, you know, there are

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