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Disturbing Brain Enhancement Techniques Listed In a CIA Document

what if I told you that there's a way to unlock the hidden powers of your mind to transcend the known limits of time and space back in 1983 Colonel Wayne M McDonnell wrote a report on the Gateway experience a way to train yourself to use the left and right sides of your brain more effectively the main goal is to help you experience a whole new level of Consciousness taking you beyond the usual limits of time and space to unlock the untapped potential that lies within us all Monroe institute's technique is a method designed to induce Altered States Of Consciousness also known as the Gateway experience it uses sound to influence brain waves intending to create an altered state of consciousness individuals can engage with non-physical aspects of reality the CIA report suggests practical applications of this technique such as achieving personal goals channeling energy for self-healing and even exploring different dimensions to access new information to comprehend this technique better we'll start by examining the fundamental mechanics that underly similar practices such as hypnosis Transcendental Meditation and biof feedback while these methods share certain commonalities with the Gateway experience it's crucial to note their differences as we set up this basic guide to help understand the Gateway experience before getting into the details of Gateway we'll first look at some similar techniques this way we have a good starting point and can better explain how Gateway Works Gateway and hemisync the goal is to transcend ordinary Consciousness moving beyond the limitations of time and space in this state participants gain access to intuitive knowledge offered by the universe what sets the Gateway experience apart from traditional meditation practices is its incorporation of the hemisync technique this technique explained by Melissa joerger from the Monroe Institute happens when the brain wave patterns in both sides of your brain match in strength and Rhythm normally this matching called himn doesn't happen often and doesn't last long when we're just going about our day but Bob Monroe developed special audio methods that can trigger and keep this state going as shown in the institute's focus three tapes Elmer and Alice green at the henar foundation found that people who have practiced a lot of Zen meditation can make hemisync happen whenever they want and can keep it going for more than 15 minutes Dr Stuart twemlow a psychiatrist and researcher with the Monroe Institute says their studies show that the Monroe tape system really helps Focus brain energy this is similar to achieving deep concentration in yoga or being completely focused on one thing in Western terms these special audio methods help concentrate the brain's energy more narrowly as Dr twemlow describes after the focus 3 tape those participating start to show bigger brain waves which means their brain energy and power are increasing Consciousness and energy understanding how our minds work involves grasping the concept ccept of Consciousness and energy it's crucial to discard the notion that matter and energy represent two entirely different aspects of our reality if we think of matter as a solid substance and energy as a force that's a misleading perspective modern science reveals that electrons which revolve around an atom's nucleus and the nucleus itself are essentially composed of oscillating energy grids in essence solid matter as traditionally understood doesn't truly exist the atomic structure as Dynamic grids of energy oscillations with electrons spinning around the nucleus at incredible speeds to understand this the energy Grid in the atom's nucleus vibrates at 10 Pro 22 Hertz even at the more familiar temperature of 70° F an atom oscillates at a rate of 10 Pro 15 Hertz now consider an entire molecule a group of atoms bound together in a shared energy field which vibrates in the range of 10 more 9 Herz bringing it closer to home a living human cell vibrates at around $10 three Herz the takeaway here is that the human body including the brain and Consciousness mirrors the universe's complexity as we are essentially intricate systems of energy Fields when we talk about different states of matter we're actually discussing variations in the energy State human consciousness then emerges from the interplay of energy in two opposing States motion and rest this interaction shapes our experience experience in a way will explore in the following passage lasers light uniformity think of the human mind like a regular lamp in its natural state it gives off energy as both heat and light but this energy spreads out all over the place covering a wide area without much Focus now imagine a laser beam it's different because it sends out a very focused and organized stream of light this beam of light concentrates its energy very precisely both in it frequency how often the light waves hit and in its strength the energy in a small area of this laser beam is way more intense than the same small area on the Sun the idea behind the gateway concept is like turning our brain into a kind of laser beam it suggests that by controlling and speeding up the brain's frequency and strength we can get our minds to vibrate at higher levels when our minds are at these higher levels they can sync up with more refined energy in the universe the theory is that when our mind works at these high levels it can understand and process information in a similar way it makes sense of what we see and hear in the normal world but in a more advanced way this understanding often comes to us in the form of symbols we see in our mind but it can also be like sudden complete insights or experiences where we both see and hear things in our Mind's Eye Holograms the universe works like a giant hologram where energy creates stores and retrieves meaning by projecting at specific frequencies in a three-dimensional mode imagine dropping three Pebbles into a bowl of water creating ripples that reach the edge now freezing the water surface to preserve the Ripple pattern remove the ice leaving the pebbles at the Bowl's bottom focus a laser on the ice and you will get a suspended three-dimensional model of the Pebbles Holograms can encode intricate details for instance projecting a hologram of swamp water allows magnification to reveal tiny organisms invisible to the naked eye desp its scientific Roots trace it back to mathematician Dennis Gabor in 1947 holography became widely known only after the invention of the laser when laser beams intersect they form an interference pattern of light and dark ripples which when recorded becomes a hologram biologist Lyle Watson explains that even complex patterns like those reflected off a human face can be recorded as Holograms frequency following response imagine your brain trying to match the rhythm of a sound it hears especially if that sound is similar to the Natural frequencies of brain activity let's say you're wide awake but y

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