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Discover the Power of Stillness with Eckhart Tolle | Guided Meditation

so let's settle into the present moment access the Stillness that's already within you even though you might not have realized it even with people who have the most turbulent and chaotic Minds The there is stillness underneath it and to find that it's it is vital to find that Stillness within because otherwise you're at the mercy of your mind and you're lost in that continuous noise so here it's helpful for you to as you I'm sure you know already to become aware of the silent spaces between the words rather than just pay attention to the words in fact be more interested so to speak in the silent spaces then the words the silent space on the external level is when I stop speaking so the sound is no longer produced and there's an absence of sound and that's what we call silence maybe not complete silence here because there are some background noises of perhaps you can hear birds and other other noise but when I don't speak there's the absence of the noise except for the birds [Music] and when you're aware that there is an absence of noise that there is a silence which is an external thing simultaneously some something happens inside you and that's why it is so wonderful to be aware of external silence you may know this already but whether you've heard this before or not it doesn't matter the important thing is to realize it now so when you pay attention to silence what is it you pay attention to nothing in particular there is no content to silence when I speak the words the sounds are the content when I stop speaking there's no content and if you're new to this you might even ask what is it that I pay attention to when I pay attention to silence and the answer is nothing really well then the question arises how can I pay attention to nothing well you pay attention to that space of no content and then something happens inside you simultaneously you might notice that when you pay attention to just the fact that there is a silence you can do it when you're alone in a room you can do it in the middle of the night you can do it out in nature you can do it in a church preferably when it's empty or a temple anywhere where there is some silence you become aware of it don't overlook the silence and don't always look for the noise so what happens inside you when you become aware of that absence of noise thinking subsides and you become still inside the moment you become aware of silence and pay attention to silence you become still inside the ceaseless stream of thinking subsides and what's left is only that alert space you may not be able to sustain it for very long by yourself it doesn't matter as long as it's there if it's only for a few seconds it's good enough to start with and and here perhaps you're able to sustain it perhaps during the entire duration of our meditation in other words let go of thinking without falling asleep and just be here present as a presence conscious presence now the words I speak are so simple that you can't really think about them because nothing to figure out so to understand understand what I'm saying you don't need to add some more thought to it so the best way of being here with me is to embrace the state of thoughtless awareness no no need to think and you haven't disappeared the essence of who you are is not only still here the essence of who you are has emerged nor more fully now when you are still and that essence of who you are is not content based it is Inner Space formless Consciousness what the Buddha called emptiness but every term that you use to talk about it is limiting it's emptiness but there's far more to it than emptiness it's consciousness that makes thinking possible that makes sense perception possible that makes feeling possible that makes it possible for you to be here as a person without Consciousness there is no person but usually you're not aware of Consciousness you're only aware of what arises in Consciousness in other words you're aware of the content but not of the space without which the content could not be so right now as you become still inside you can realize that that Stillness is your Consciousness before anything arises in it and when I say your Consciousness it's not absolutely true but that's okay at first you sense it as your con Consciousness But ultimately it's not your Consciousness it's just Consciousness the one Consciousness and it's not produced by your physical brain although there is clearly a correlation between your physical brain and Consciousness but I would suggest to you that the physical brain is more like a channel for Consciousness than the producer or the generator of Consciousness in the same way that the radio does not generate the music and the words that you hear coming out of the radio and yet the radio is necessary for this music The Words the sounds to be produced but the radio radio does not produce them it gives them form channels them in the same way your physical brain is a kind of receiver for consciousness and gives that formless Consciousness a particular form so that through that particular form the formless Consciousness can appear in this Dimension as you and as the world so often when people at night look up at the stars they get a feeling of insignificance and you might think compared to that vastness I am nothing or you might think compared to that vast since I'm a microb on the surface of this planet shortlived fleeting existence on a cosmic scale a human life is just like a spark it goes just G and it's gone and many other Sparks but we all very short LIF one spark after another so but that feeling or that sense of insignificance that's not all there is and that's not the entire truth of it in fact it's not the truth of it at all you may be insignificant as regards physical size or the duration of your life but you are highly significant in the universe because through you Consciousness enters this Dimension and so through you the universe becomes conscious of itself

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