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Deja Blu & Andre Duqum Interview Sadhguru in the Mojave Desert

[Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] uh [Music] and you guys are looking like a dangerous election campaign red and blue blue and red weather you shouldn't be together this time at least for another next 20 days that's why we're out in the desert stay away from the masses please stop so thank you thank you thank you so much i want to start off by asking you a question after reading um in engineering a guy a yogi's guide to joy you mentioned that has it worked how are you a little more joyful for sure for sure it's dramatically changed my life like the morning practice and just cultivating that morning practice in the morning has exponentially elevated my frequency therefore everything that i have touched from that place has felt like it's been like the midas touch and it is cultivated over a period of time and devotion and i don't know man murders did only magical this is mysticism and this is real that is not stage managed yeah see in the open desert also it works do you believe that magic is not real when you use the word magic usually it's on stage set up but life is a different kind of magic it's mystical so this doesn't need a stage the very cosmos is a stage it's happening in various ways so in the book you mentioned that the word spirituality or spiritualism has been corrupted i'm curious from your perspective what is true spirituality well let me give a very technical kind of uh answer to this because uh if you say anything more poetic people will distort it again so this is one reason why though it is natural for me to express myself in poetry in beautiful ways which i did at one time but when i saw that if i want to reach the world in a big way i have to make it very technical take off all the aesthetic take off all the beauty which i still do in close programs and in closed events but the larger world we presented this as inner engineering because you can't distort engineering it either works or it doesn't work making it that simple okay poetry art beautiful but will everybody get it it's a big issue okay so having said that a technical absolutely technical definition of spiritual process would be this there is a physiological process which you call it the body there is a psychological process of thought and emotion going on if you transcend these two if somehow your experience of life transcend these two that an experience which is not body-based an experience which is not of the psychological structure if this happens then you are spiritual because something beyond body and mind has happened why is it important that something beyond body and mind should happen is because both your body and mind are accumulations that you gathered and you're mistaking it for a cosmos what you created is not the creation per se so there is a creation there is a force called creation which is uh not that creation happened at some time it's happening in a tremendous way every moment of our life but only few people are conscious of it rest are busy with their physiological and psychological processes their entire life is dedicated to manage their body and their mind when i come to america particularly california i'm amazed after living here uh you know affluent lives still the most fascinating thing for most people is food it's i'm sorry still food is the most interesting and fascinating thing and even among whatever we speak and do i we made a book called taste official that's a higher selling damn book [Laughter] this is a human tragedy i can understand a man who is living in the desert who's hungry who's not eating anything other than lizard meat that man is fascinated about food but people who lived in affluent societies who are exposed to everything they've tasted too many things they shouldn't have tasted that many every possible animal they killed every possible plant they cut and ate but still they're overly fascinated about food and next is their emotions people think talking about love is something superior and spiritual nothing is just human emotion i'm saying why are you struggling with something so simple that your dog is capable of if your dog is capable of it you're capable of it for sure isn't it right now human beings are getting inspired by the dogs no dogs should be inspired by you because you're more evolved i believe hello so spiritual process means something beyond body and mind became a living thing in your life it became a living experience i'm sorry five too aggressive no i'm curious actually your perception on water fasting or fasting and taking prolonged food directly okay fasting not food good it's the opposite of food it's time away from food and the benefits if you believe there are any benefits from allowing ourselves to take a reset and to renegotiate our relationship with food see uh this happened in los angeles a cardiac surgeon drove his uh he was a little fascinated with his ford mustang that was his car and it was a little excited about it and uh one day it started coughing a little bit so he took it to the local mechanic and said some problem please fix it he said yeah doc come tomorrow morning it'll be ready the doctor before going to work tomorrow morning he went there but it was not ready so he said okay come in the evening it'll be ready he came in the evening it was not ready he said what's the matter you said morning i came he said evening i came what is the issue and the mechanic was in that kind of mood he said see you're a heart surgeon you also fix engines i also fix engines how come you're paid 10 times more than me so the doctor looked looked at him and said try to fix the engine when it's running let me see so human life and human body needs to be fixed when it's running otherwise it's meaningless all right you're going to post bottom what's the point of that we need to fix this body when it's running if you want to fix this body when it's running you must understand because we're talking about something related to digestive process these are the stages of this ingestion putting something inside digestion assimilation excretion the four dimensions of food and the whole process ingestion digestion assimilation excretion ingestion is happening in today's world just about any time wherever they are sitting standing any time of the day or night people just eat because there's so much food it was not like this ever in the history of humanity but unfortunately fortunately there is a lot of food unfortunately people don't know when to eat when not to eat as there are cycles in time see we know time only by cycles if the planet spins one like this one spin we say it's a day otherwise you wouldn't know if the moon goes around which have one month if we go around the sun then we say one year so our idea of time is essentially cycles our birth and death is also question of cycles only because our mother's bodies were in sync with the cycles of the moon we are even born otherwise we wouldn't be born so our whole physical existence is cyclic

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