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Deep meaning of existence – Alan Watts

more you realize that it is inseparably connected with everything else that there is it has become extremely plausible that this trip between the maternity ward and the crematorium is what there is to life but on the other hand if you think about that for a few minutes i am absolutely amazed to discover myself on this rock ball rotating around the spherical fire it's a very odd situation this little organism on this little planet is what the whole show is growing there and so realizing its own presence and the more i look at things i i cannot get rid of the feeling that existence is quite weird [Music] also the question how is it suddenly that you awakened into this world where were you before and that's the same sort of weird question as what it would be like to go to sleep and never wake up what was it like to wake up having not previously gone to sleep [Music] it's very mysterious but as you go on and plumb this question you begin to develop the feeling that your existence is exceedingly odd in many ways are odd because it is here and it so easily might not have been [Music] after all if your father hadn't met your mother would you be here now of course somebody would be here because he might have met somebody else would that be you of course it would you can only be you by being someone but every someone is you every someone is i that's your name you say uh it's me i am here so inis being as it were the most fundamental thing in man is also fundamental to the universe it too is i [Music] but just as a magnet polarizes itself in north and south but it's all one magnet so experience polarizes itself as self and other but it's all one the the important you is perfectly indestructible it's what there is our comings and goings our fortunes and misfortunes are a sort of mirage the experience you are having which you call ordinary everyday consciousness pretending you're not it that experience is exactly the same thing as it there's no difference at all you evoke light out of the universe in the same way you by virtue of having a soft skin evoke hardness out of wood you by being this organism call into being the whole universe of light and color and hardness and heaviness and everything you see the more we know about them the more we know about the world the more diaphanous it seems we are i think quite urgently in need of coming to feel that we are the eternal universe each one of us you are what you are sitting here at this moment in your particular kind of clothes and with the particular colors of your faces and your particular personalities your family involvements your business involvements your neuroses and your everything you are that precisely in relation to an extremely complex environment you

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