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Compilation: Unconditional Love and Spirituality in Sexuality | Eckhart Tolle

unconditional love towards All Humans is the Transcendent love you love the formless recognize the formless as yourself in the other hi first of all greetings from your fans in Poland I promise them to tell that oh we all have the very heavy pain bodies there so you're as you know so your teaching is quite a Salvation and my question is again the same topic like a one track mind um actually that question about sex trigger triggered the question in my mind because I've just listened several times to the um the autobiography of a yogi of paramahansa Yogananda amazing book and those spiritual Masters they explain very clear clearly and logically all kinds of things including the the symbolism of the Old Testament and according to them that snake was the is the nerve running through the spinal cord and and activates the sex nerve and the um the forbidden fruit was was sex because it was predictable that if humans tried that it would cause the fall of the humankind from pretty much a God on Earth with powerful mind to the level of animal so my question is do you think that sexual life actually is um an obstacle in spiritual unfoldment if uh someone wants to to attain a high level oh thank you in many cases it is an obstacle to the Awakening Consciousness but in essence it is not it is not it doesn't have to be an obstacle it's not it can be transcend it which means you don't eliminate it but there's a much vaster hole into which it loses its importance so you you transcend it rather than eliminate it the elimination of it uh I would not recommend except for very rare individuals for who that is right mhm so it's Transcendence rather than elimination and but to me the the beginning of the the fall I would interpret somewhat differently from the the Bible as the beginning of the identification with the mind the human mind the knowledge that eating of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil the differentiation of conceptual thinking coming in but that's one can interpret it in in many ways for most humans I would say do not attempt except with unless you are one of the exceptions uh do not attempt to suppress or eliminate sexuality but bring awareness to it and then it's no longer addictive and then it may fall away for some people it then Falls away by itself but you don't need to make that's what made me feel bad that because you know that um there is that Union between a man and a woman and there's a lot of Beauty in that so actually I was sort of turned off by that information in the autobiography of a yogi H well he still he came from a an ancient Indian athetic tradition and there's a place for everything so uh for most for westerners especially but probably even for easterners it's really uh awareness rather than elimination of something that is so so powerfully built into the human organism and use it for awakening rather than for letting it draw you to unconscious into unconsciousness thank you my question is on uh sexuality and like uh yeah um I would say instinctive impulse when I see a for example a woman jogging um to look most of times and I look H and um also when the lady is beautiful inside also how do I balance not getting too lost in the the little play you know that's my question okay thank you I know what you [Laughter] mean you may have heard of something called Tantra it's a that means basically bringing Consciousness into something that is usually unconscious for example sexuality I would even include other things like eating things that tend to pull you into unconsciousness I don't know if youve observed some people who the moment they start eating they become quite unconscious relatively speaking and then when they stop eating there's a bit more Consciousness again they go and then they wake up so eating consciously would be bringing some awareness into that Tantra is traditionally used uh to point to the possibility of bringing Consciousness into sex and sex starts the moment you're looking at a a woman dogging and basically what Tantra means is not to uh make it into a means to an end not to look to the next moment and the one after that the final moment of man woman Union always being orgasm but sex starts with looking and to be at every moment honor the moment and enjoy the moment for what it is which is there's nothing wrong when your body mind [Music] organism gets drawn to that you know that this is happening if you don't know that this is happening you become the reaction and then you are lost but if you know that this is happening you can actually allow yourself to be drawn you can look and enjoy just look there's no need to go beyond that can you be I enjoy looking at all kinds of humans including women or men it doesn't really matter I enjoy the the human form I like to be sometimes sit in a cafe in a corner and simply watch the human beings come in leave some are old some are are young some are beautiful some are not so beautiful they're all beautiful inside but on the external the variety of the human form is just quite wonderful to watch and if you're not if you not don't want anything that's the the question is whether the attraction turns into wanting the attraction is the attention moves there and it's unconscious and then the moment comes when you realize that the attention has moved there there's no need for you as some spiritual Traditions might tell you you must not look at a woman if the moment you notice your attention moving to look somewhere else Den the by denying it uh you really intensify ultimately the unconscious urge to look there's even in Buddhist monasteries the monk when I first visited a monastery I I could see a woman was trying to give a monk a something a pencil or something and he said I'm sorry I can't take it from you you have to put it on the table and then I'll take it I'm not allowed to take some from a woman and this is how because the power of sexuality was so strong that for a long time in the past people were afraid of it because you can't control yourself if you even just take something there might be a flash of energy coming who knows what will happen next if you just take a pencil from a woman what's going to happen [Laughter] next so to enjoy you can also if you put Tantra you can enjoy the touching someone there's no need to it's all really connected with the self-sufficiency of the present moment and not always needing wanting the the end result and that includes any kind of sexual attraction the uh if you if you bring in present moment living into normal life you can also practice it there where you simply enjoy whatever phenomenon is arising at this moment for what it is instead of it becoming some kind of wanting something in the future wanting more observe the impulse and if you get lost in it then you have to wait until you wake up and then can observe yourself running after her I remember I had a friend in England many many years ago who suddenly became very interested in spirituality an

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