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choose let me show you the way you should go before you are two paths one filled with blessings the other leading to worry and fear you must decide for you cannot walk both paths nor can you serve two guides if you choose to reach out to me in prayer and walk the path of blessings you will find Joy wonders and abundant kindness however if you disregard my guidance and abandon your faith choosing not to follow me because of fatigue and doubt know that my love remains steadfast yet you will wander astray it is better for you to stay with me than to go away but if you decide to leave remember that you will return I will wait for you on the Lonely Road no one else will welcome you with open arms but I will be there ready to embrace and comfort you to ease your fatigue with my true love I've heard your hearts creas feeling your tiredness and I want to assure you that the blessings I have for you are immens you just need to wait a bit longer waiting is part of the process crucial for growing your faith and strength to reach New Heights and your family will be blessed too I'm asking you today to make a firm choice to embrace my love don't let let day slip away undecided I wouldn't want you to look back in years to come with regret over missed chances you need to connect with my spirit open your heart to me if you're seeking true lasting blessings remember that the world's Promises of success and Joy are fleeting I offer you living water that reinvigorates and heals your soul endless blessings that sustain you I will provide you with the finest nourishment and you will Savor the sweetness of sacred Delight you will find true satisfaction and peace in embracing my word your family will Thrive they will want for nothing because my blessings will cover them fully follow me make your choice for me don't be afraid if others reject or ridicule you because I plan to do amazing things with you you'll experience my love in your life like never before your decision has opened Heaven's doors for you don't let despair take over your heart stay strong in tough times there's still a chance to rise because you have my support and with it you will prevail be glad for I bring you joyful news I'm changing your life's Direction so pay close attention to my voice think deeply about my words every day and follow the path I will show you you need to move forward and upward climbing the mountain ahead if you grow tired don't be upset or lose heart you'll find the answers you're looking for in my promises giving you the strength to take the next step my word will light up your way guiding you to where you need to be soothe your heart trust in what I say let me make the changes you've longed for I shall completely change thy situation thy character thy perspective on all failures difficulties and memories that bind thee to the Past shall vanish where there was once only weeping Joy shall now abound where the ground was dry and Barren life shall Sprout forth each humiliation shall become honor every ailment healing they shall undergo a complete transformation I shall instill in thy heart the certainty that with me all becomes possible and the impossible becomes reality let my love touch thee In This Moment let my mighty hand sustain thee with each beat of thy heart and every breath that fills thy lungs a new allow my presence to fill the recesses of thy being granting thee strength and joy today I'll show you the way you should go and I'll give Wings to your heart so you can rise above any problem that tries to bring you down remember I am bigger than any issue you face no one else else has been there to help you in your tough times no one else can give you real strength happiness and freedom don't ignore my words they are not just your imagination I've spoken to you clearly now it's up to you to believe and accept nothing is too hard for me I am with you and will never leave you I know there are times when you feel desperate and impatient I understand and don't judge you my love surrounds you even if you don't always feel it you face many challenges it's not good for you to be stressed and overwhelmed I'd rather you speak openly to me sharing how you truly feel instead of keeping your anxiety bottled up and trying to handle everything on your own you know you can't make it by yourself let me help you it's okay to spend time in my presence to find peace you need it so do it today I want you to find Rest in Me While I make your way clear don't be ashamed to admit your failures in my presence you are loved listened to and valued I won't scold you for your mistakes listen to my words for I speak unto thee tenderly that thou mayest come and lean upon my shoulder that thou mayest no longer feel anxious and thy Soul be secure after all who loves thee more than I who came this morning to knock upon thy door tell me who awaken thee with beautiful Promises of love I love thee immensely but seek not to explain or comprehend it close Thine Eyes in silence and feel it Cascades of Love shall fill every corner of thy heart and if perchance thou still cling to someone who hath failed thee I shall assist thee in letting go none should hinder the space in thy life that is rightfully mine if thou grant me the foremost Place Thou shalt live assured that I alone shall never fail thee though thou mayest falter though thou mayest be weak at times always remember I shall never deny thee my grace my forgiveness my Aid I Delight in blessing Thee I take pleasure in Loving You Desiring to cherish and protect you understand this well even your family or your closest friends May one day fail you you may expect much from people and if you trust them blindly they could disappoint you my love is sincere pure and genuine today I'm here to offer you my support asking you to trust again even though you've been deeply wounded before and may feel there's no one who could love you this much but I'll stay by your side patiently waiting for you you to listen to me every day I'll reach out to you offering words of love I'm ready to transform your life to open up the heavens and pour out blessings on you I'll write my teachings in your heart and guide your every step so you'll always feel surrounded by my love I understand you make mistakes you're only Human After All but remember I'm a God of compassion I welcome your sincer sinere regret even from your lowest points the blessings I have for you go beyond anything material the gifts I want to give you are more precious than anything the world can provide when I say I'll open the Heavens For You embrace my promise with faith and reach back out to me take my words to heart for this is no trivial matter my love for you isn't hidden the care I have for you isn't a secret step outside look look at the sky feel the breeze and let the sunlight touch your skin these are my gifts to you ways I show my love I've looked after you time and again saved you from life-threatening situations I've been there

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