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foreign [Music] there was a man who was very upset because of repeated failures in his life he became hopeless due to one failure after another in his life due to this he was upset all the time one day he came to know about his and master who lived in a monastery in the nearby town he decided to go to the Jain master and discuss about his problem the next day he went to the monastery where the Jen Master lived when he met us and master he told him about his problem he told us and master that how even after so much hard work he was not able to achieve success in his life after explaining his problem he became silent and tears started to flow from his eyes the Zen master looked at him compassionately thought for a moment then he back on the man to come with him he brought the man to the backyard of the monastery the man saw that there was a beautiful garden in the backyard of the monastery there was a large green grass all over the garden and some sky-high bamboo trees in one corner of the garden then the Zen master pointed to the grass and the bamboo trees and said to the man do you see that grass and bamboo tree then he continued a few years ago when I planted the grass and the bamboo seeds I took very good care of both of them soon grass started growing and it turned all the garden green whereas bamboo seeds did not show any change but still I did not stop caring for bamboo in the second year grass became more dense and grew more but still there was no change in bamboo seeds even in the third year there was no result four bamboo trees the seeds did not sprout yet I did not lose hope and kept watering it and took care of it even in the fourth year there was no growth five years later a small plant sprouted from bamboo seeds it was very small compared to grass but only six months later this plant grew 220 feet tall it took five years four bamboo seeds to sprout in these five years its route became so strong and deep that it could handle bamboo land which was more than 20 feet high then the Zen master looked at the man and said my friend always remember that whenever you have to struggle in life then understand that your roots are getting deeper and stronger your struggle is making you stronger so that when you get a great success in future you can handle it therefore don't give up on yourself your time will also come don't be afraid of struggles in your life because this struggle will strengthen the roots of your success the man understood the meaning of what amongst it is for never to give up in his life and left from there [Music] if we see in our lives we will find that sometime in our life there comes a time when we don't get success even after working so hard and then we have to struggle a lot and at such times many people start to give up and stop trying but you should always remember that when it happens never give up on yourself and just understand that nature is preparing you for a great success in the future by strengthening your roots just like when bamboo seeds sprouted grew to 20 feet high within 6 months similarly one day your time will also come and when it will come the whole world will see it therefore don't be afraid of struggles in your life because it is the struggle which will strengthen the roots of your success [Music]

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