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Blessed Prayers To Fall Asleep | LISTEN To These Anointed Prayers!

foreign life with the grace for purpose prayer book a comprehensive collection of beautiful prayers that will minister to your soul to your family and bless your home order your copy today and begin to enjoy a powerful vibrant prayer life one of the most touching songs I've ever heard says I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold I'd rather have him than rich is Untold I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands I'd rather be led by his nail pierced hand Saints have gone let me ask you what is the most valuable thing you have what is the one thing that you cherish Above All Else someone in this world would say their children are the most valuable thing in their life someone else would talk about the businesses they've built from the ground up others would refer to an inheritance left by parents or family heirloom that's been passed down from generation to generation while none of these are wrong answers I encourage you to think of value in a sense of your soul what or who in this world could save your soul who could redeem and deliver your soul from the clutches of hell only Jesus Christ and so if Jesus Christ is the only one who could save your soul is he not the most valuable treasure in our hearts do you have Christ in your heart do you have the prince of peace in your life do you walk alongside the one who walks on water if you have Jesus Christ in your life and in your heart you are privileged you are blessed and highly favored because make no mistake it's to our advantage that we should go to Christ we are the ones that need saving we're the ones that need to be redeemed not him it's to our benefit that we should go to Christ and the beauty of this deal is that Jesus Christ made a promise in Hebrews 13 5. the Bible says keep your life free from Love of Money and be content with what you have for he has said I will never leave you nor forsake you in case you didn't know you can have money but it will not save you money will not buy you eternal life it won't buy you another minute here on this Earth but if you have Jesus Christ you have eternity in heaven to look forward to nothing on this Earth can promise never to leave you nor forsake you but Jesus can he is promised to be with you until the end of the age so today even if you were to lose everything you own you would still be blessed beyond measure because of that great promise you see I would rather have Jesus than silver or gold because Jesus Christ loved me while I was yet a sinner he loved me despite my sin regardless of my mistakes and he's undeterred by my many flaws that that is Grace Psalm 34 10 says the Young Lion suffer want and hunger those who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing now let us pray King Jesus you are the Lord of lords You Are Holy and mighty you are righteous and pure we thank you for saving us you are the most valuable treasure in My Heart Lord because I may lose my health but I will not be dismayed because I still have Jesus I may lose the money I've worked hard for and saved but even that will not lead me to despair because I will still have Jesus Christ the one who promised to never leave me nor forsake me the one who promised to be with me through the Deep Waters I am grateful that as your child I can say I have Jesus Christ I can say greater is he who is within me than he who is in the world Lord as your children we need you we need you because only in you do we have eternal life only in Jesus will our souls find safe Refuge we as your children Lord have peace and purpose in this life because of you we may not have riches here on this Earth but Lord give us the desire and hunger to build and store Treasures in Heaven we may not have the relationships we desire but we have a heavenly father who loves us unconditionally Lord we may not have perfect health in our bodies but father we can stand on your word and declare that by your stripes we are healed Lord Jesus Christ thank you for the promise in your word in Psalm 37 23-24 the Lord makes firm the steps of the one who Delights in him though he may stumble he will not fall for the Lord upholds him with his hand I thank you for such a promise Lord Jesus then although I may stumble this world may cause me to stumble but I will not fall Because of You My Savior this life may cause me to stumble it may throw things my way that are unexpected and it may discourage me but I am grateful for you father because I will not fall for your Mighty hand will uphold me thank you for the comfort and reassurance that your word gives me I am filled with faith I am filled with boldness because I know that the god of the universe will not let me fall but instead pick me up uphold me and lift me up I pray that you protect me from any storms that can open the door to the spirit of fear in my life protect me from any situations or challenges that may cloud my judgment and create confusion I pray Lord that you Order each and every step I take I will not be afraid of anything that comes my way because everything is in your hands I invite you to walk with me long I pray that the holy spirit will guide me and may He comfort and Lead Me May the Holy Spirit continuously speak to me so that I might meditate on Godly things I praise you Lord for all power is in your hands and in your loving arms there is also kindness Mercy hope and pure love I Surrender my life to you Jesus and I am glad that my life is in your wonderful and caring hands I Surrender my every thought and all of my intents to your will Lord I glorify your name thank you for hearing my prayer in Jesus mighty name I pray amen psalm 116. verses one through nine the Bible reads I love the Lord because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy because he inclined his ear to me therefore I will call on him as long as I live the snares of death encompassed me the pangs of sheol laid Hold On Me I suffered distress and anguish then I called on the name of the Lord O Lord I pray deliver my soul gracious is the Lord and righteous our God is merciful the Lord preserves the simple when I was brought low he saved me return O my soul to your rest for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you for you have delivered my soul from death my eyes from tears my feet from stumbling I walk before the Lord in the land of the living Saints May our Lord and savior incline his ear to you may you find him to be gracious and merciful father I confess and I believe your word the word that says in Psalm 91 verse 10 no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways God your word is true and everlasting I stand in faith on this scripture Psalm 91 verse 10 no evil will befall me or my family no plague will come near my dwelling or my body in Jesus name and even though my eyes may not be able to see it right now Lord I believe your word I believe that you have sent your angels to have charge over me to surround me and my family you

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