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Best Prayers To Fall Asleep Blessed | Beautiful Bedtime Bible Sleep Talk Down

I want to encourage you to call on the Lord before you look anywhere else before you look to anyone else call on the name that is above every other name the name of Jesus Christ Jeremiah 33:3 says call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know for every season in life the word of God has an answer when you are worried Philippians 4:6 says do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition we with Thanksgiving present your requests to God should you be in a season where the future appears to be uncertain and the unknown makes you fearful 2 Timothy 1:7 says for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind now perhaps you are unsettled within you maybe there are issues you are dealing with and they've left your heart in a Restless State well John 14 verse1 let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me I urge you today to get to know the word of God for yourself get God's word within you read scripture as often as you can memorize Bible verses and meditate on them as often as you can because when you go through the many seasons of Life the ups and downs of this life it's only what is in you that will sustain you and if the word of God is in you then you will survive you will make it by the grace of God and the power in his word now the reason why it's so vital for us to meditate on God's word is because we're told in Joshua 1:8 that keep this book of the law always on your lips meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it then you will be prosperous and successful the word of God has an answer for us throughout every season of life and so we must be anchored in God's word and our prayers must be rooted in scripture and what I mean people of God is that we need to speak the word of God over ourselves we need to declare the word of God in our lives we need to confess it and I believe that we need to assert the word of God as the governing authority over our lives and what I mean by saying that we need to assert the word of God is when you look at the definition of the word assert it means State a fact or belief confidently and forcefully it means to state with Assurance with confidence or to State strongly so that's what I'd like to encourage you to do state the word of God confidently at all times State the word of God forcefully when the enemy tries to attack you when he tries to attack your home when he tries to attack your family State the word of God with power state it strongly and speak with Assurance I say all of this because when God speaks things happen things change and dear Saints God has spoken to us us through his word this is why we're told in Matthew 24:35 Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass [Music] away now let us pray father Colossians 3:1 16 tells us to let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with Grace in your hearts to the Lord help us to keep your word help us to keep your word hidden in the chambers of our hearts I pray that we would not just know your word but may we be people who walk in your word help us to keep your precepts diligently so that all our ways are directed by you help us to keep your commands dear Lord let us not be hypocritical and claim to be Christians yet refuse to practice your word Holy Spirit I pray that you would push me to meditate on God's word help me to make it a practice to make it a routine to read the Bible and and spend quality time in the word we know Lord that there is a need in our lives to get to know the word of God because it will change us it will build our character and it will mold us into vessels that God can use your word is powerful and I believe that it will cut through every evil carnal and selfish thought within me I believe that the word of God can even challenged my very attitude and perspective and so we cling to your word because it is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the division of Soul and Spirit and of joints and Marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart your word is living almighty God meaning it has has life it brings life and it is life to the believer I pray that your word would act just like fire and refine us of all impurities may you burn away the sin the cycles of sin an addiction no just like a hammer I pray that your word would destroy any evil stronghold in our lives and I pray that it would build and strengthen a Godly character in us may your word act just like a mirror so that it will expose my blemishes against the true likeness of Christ and just like a lamp and a light that guides Us in darkness may your word give us Direction and reveal God's will for my life like food may your word provide nourishment because your word says man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that comes from God may your holy word the word that has withstood the test of time may it cleanse and wash me May it renew my mindset and build my faith I pray and declare Psalm 119 verse 168 to 172 which says I keep your precepts and your testimonies for all my ways are before you let my cry come before you oh Lord give me understanding according to your word let my supplication come before you deliver me according to your word my lips shall utter praise for you teach me your statutes my tongue shall speak of your word word for all your commands are righteousness I bless your name and I Praise You King Jesus thank you for hearing this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ I pray [Music] amen we live in a stressful World there are worries about wars and ele C and pandemics on a personal level there are worries about jobs children marriages money in fact the American Medical Association has estimated that as many as 70% of all patients who visit their general practice Physicians they do so with symptoms related in some way to unrelieved stress but dear friends God has a much better way for us to live he offers a burden-free way of life here's how Jesus put it in the gospel of Matthew 11: 28-30 come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light you see Jesus offers us a burden free way to live isn't that good news now some people have the idea that God wants them weighed down with guilt and fears and uncertainty but that's not Jesus Jesus said my yoke is easy and my burden light he wants to take your worries away from you as the Apostle Peter said in 1 Peter 5: 7 cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you now there are three easy steps to take to enjoy burden-free living and it's revealed in Jesus words in the gospel of Matthew step one come to him come unto me

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