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BEFORE YOU JUDGE OTHERS Watch This | Buddhist story on Judgement |

[Music] once upon a time there was a king he had a was in his bedroom which was one of his favorite things one day while cleaning in King's bedroom the Voss fell down from hands of a servant and broke the servant got scared because it was King's favorite pass servant gathered all the pieces and secretly threw them when King came to bedroom he found his favorite was missing he called the servant and asked about it servant was afraid so out of here servant light your majesty I have taken that V to home to clean it properly the king ordered him to bring that F back to his room immediately after getting order seeing that he cannot hide truth anymore the servant told King about everything and started apologizing with folded hands the king got angry at servant for lying to him so he sentenced him to death servant kept pleading for forgiveness but King did not listen to him next day the king made this topic a point of discussion in his court and asked his courtiers as any of you ever light all courtiers refused in one voice and said no Your Majesty we have never light but one of King's Vice Minister was keeping quiet when King asked him about it the vice Minister said your majesty everyone lies sometimes I also have spoken I think there is no harm in telling a lie that does not harm anyone the king got angry after listening to this and expelled his Minister out of the Court the minister left but he was worried about servants death sentence so he started thinking of a way to save him after some thoughts he went to a Goldsmith and asked him to make a Patty of fries out of cold next morning after taking that cold Patty the minister went to King's Court the King was angry seeing his minister in court even after being expelled from the court but still the minister somehow convinced him to listen to him then he showed gold paty to the king and said your majesty I wanted to tell you something very important that's why I have come here today yesterday evening while going home I met a monk he gave me this gold Patty of fries and told me to plant it in some fertile land if we saw this there there will be gold crop in that field I have found a fertile land and I want all the cers and you to come to that field to plant this gold paty then we can see whether the monk was right or not the king agreed and ordered all his courtiers to reach the field next day at fixed time when everyone reached field the king asked minister to plant that gold ped in the field but Minister said your majesty while giving these seeds monk instructed me that field will yield gold only if it is planted by a person who had never told a lie that's why I cannot plant this please order one of your cers to plant this gold paty the king asked any one of his courtiers to plant that gold paty in the field who has never lied in his life but no one came forward the king understood that everyone had lied one or other time when no one came forward the minister gave that gold Pat of rice in hands of the king and said your majesty no one is truthful here that's why you should plant this gold paty but even King hesitated to take that gold paty and plant it in the field and said said no I have also lied in my childhood that's why I cannot plant this after hearing this the minister smiled and said your majesty this is what I was trying to explain you that we all have told a lie at some point in our lives but a lie which does not harm anyone is not a crying I got this C Patty made by gold smith my aim was just to make you understand that people in the world lie sometimes but a lie that does not harm anyone is not a crime the king understood Minister's point he gave him his place back in the court and pardoned the death sentence of the servant if we see in our lives we will find that lying is not always wrong but it depends on the intention behind it a li is not a bad thing if it is meant to help someone such as saving someone's life or motivating someone to improve themselves if someone is bad and we call them bad then it can hurt their feelings but instead of calling them bad if we can tell them that they are good and they can be better if they follow right path then it can Inspire them to change this is not a lie but a way of sporting and guiding them towards a better path a lie becomes crime only when it is meant to harm or deceive someone with malicious intent therefore we can say that the morality of our action depends on its underlying purpose the intent behind our actions holds significant fate in determining whether an act is virtuous or otherwise the story also teach teaches us the importance of forgiveness we are all human and humans make mistakes when someone sincerely ask for forgiveness we should forgive them as a human gesture we should be compassionate towards others knowing that mistakes are part of being human and we all have made some mistakes at some point in our life therefore we should always remember that a lie is not a crime if if it serves a noble cause and being truly great means not judging others but showing kindness by forgiving them when they feel [Music] sorry

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