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Be RICH Like Him!

bring a spiritual element success will come easy more than anything simply because you function at your full potential because for most human beings their genius Sparks Once wherever your desire is that's where your mind is isn't it we are mistaking information for intelligence once you Heap yourself with too much information now attention is a serious problem once you have no attention once you have no ability to hold your attention you have lost your ability to access your intelligence also you will just churn out the information from memory there's a beautiful incident you heard of Andrew carnagi when Andrew karagi started his Enterprise in a short span of time he became so super successful and made so much money at that time okay this is not the age of uh Google or Facebook or Twitter where in 2 years they become multi-billionaires and all those those days people had to set up manufacturing this and that and make money which would take decades or Generations so this guy made so much money in a short span of time people suspected the US government suspected he's doing some malpractice those set up a a senate investigation committee so they questioned him in every way possible and they found nothing wrong with his business then they asked how do you manage to make so much money and be so successful so Andrew carnagi said something very simple see I can keep my mind focused on something for 5 minutes at a stretch 5 minutes can any of you do it all the Senators they thought what's the problem with five minutes and he set up an experiment they tried to keep their attention they couldn't keep it for a few seconds one moment here one moment there this is the fate of most human beings so then he said you should not be running United States so human ability there's something called as CH there's a different see in English language mind is mind largely you're considering the memory part of your mind as mind in the yogic system there are four main aspects of the mind I'll not go into the detail but the memory part of the mind is of least importance it's a chitt which is connected with the Consciousness which is most important if you find a shape for your chitt that shape will manifest always because it's empowered by life making material which you which for lack of words we're using the word Consciousness that which is the basis of Life once your mind is yoked to that then what shape your mind takes mind is like a cloud you can make it any shape you can make it Godlike you can make it a devil like out of it you can make a pig out of it you can make whatever out of it you know it's a nebulous thing so what shape you give to your chitt it will always manifest in the world because it's empowered by life making energy behind it so that is the most important aspect of the mind not the memory fashion I would go from being that that genius kind of version of myself to suddenly to something I'd practiced so many times and felt like I knew so well and yet I moved from chaos and all kinds of complexity externally to Simplicity externally and make it so complex because suddenly from that moment you go from a Clarity like you said a Simplicity to an absolute complexity internally whereby it's suddenly about what will people think if I miss this what if I heaven forbid I let my team down etc etc if you think what people will think the ball will go into the people only yeah it's true very true yeah um so I can tell you one secret but I'm on camera what to do I'll tell you anyway please but the opposition may also learn this that's okay we work that out when we come to it when you want to kick that dead ball what you do is you exhale with your mouth open and use this as a way approximately 17 to 20 in somewhere there you focus your eyes there that empty space okay you can do this three times there is something else which is called as Akash which gets activated because of this in this you're naturally in the zone see uh there are three ways to function in a way that other people think is miraculous one thing is to become all body that you don't have a mind at all just all body there are some great players in soccer where you see them you can see they don't have a mind they just all body and they'll do miraculous things that nobody ever thought they could do at that moment when they're like that and they're getting into that zone more often than others so they become the great players that they are another way is a very powerful mind which visualizes and creates what it wants that's another way to be there which is powerful but I don't know how many people have the necessary discipline and focus to do that a few do that some people who build the game have this thing they even mentally deciding how the other guy should act many times you've seen this in rare moments particularly in soccer and also in cricket game the bowler decides how the batsman should act so there is another type of intelligence called Consciousness Consciousness is that intelligence which is unsullied by your memory body is full of memory it's taken this form only because of its evolutionary memory genetic memory karmic memory like this because of memory this body has formed a shape because of memory your mind has taken a certain shape but there's another intelligence which is Untouched by memory which is the fundamental and the most powerful form of intelligence in the universe if you touch that you body and mind should be well trained anyway to play that game otherwise you cannot play but once you touch that you play in such a way which is magical for other people there is no answer with anybody around you there are many times certain sport reaches that place knowingly or unknowingly the player gets in and he they themselves are surprised I've seen this sometimes the tennis players they surprise did I make this shot they can't believe it themselves because they got into that space so wherever you desire is that's where your mind will be if you desire something intensely your mind will be always there right right now you desire the cup wrong place to be you desire a goal that's what you should desire when you're on the field isn't it now you can desire the cup but once you're on the field you just desire the goal and goal and goal nothing else once your desire is strong your body and mind naturally moves in the direction isn't it whatever you desire that's where you go if your desire falls off then you can't keep the mind on it

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