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Be Careful When It Comes To What You Believe (STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING)

Society gives us so many messages today we are told how we're supposed to carry ourselves how we're supposed to speak in some cases we're told what to believe and the thing is in this day and age it is increasingly difficult to tell the truth from a lie lies are being presented as truth and sadly truth is being tainted as lies and so we need to guard our hearts and Minds because we are bombarded with all kinds of influences all kinds of Temptations there are all kinds of evil forces that are vying for our attention they are vying for an opportunity to enter our lives and wreak havoc we need to guard our hearts our minds our eyes our ears because these are all gateways they are gateways into our lives try and picture this scene in Matthew 24 verses 3 through 4. as Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to him privately tell us they said when will this happen and what will be the sign of your coming and the End of the Age Jesus answered watch out that no one deceives you really think about what's being said there watch out that no one deceives you that tells us that one of the signs of the coming of Christ is that deception in this world will be high and so for us the only way that we can avoid being led astray by false teachings false doctrines imitators of Christ is if we know the Lord for ourselves develop a personal relationship with God so that no one can deceive you people of God when you experience the real presence of God you're quick to notice when something is off about a preacher you're quick to notice what kind of atmosphere is in a place you can notice you can discern what spirit is in operation whether it is the spirit of God or Satan masquerading as an angel of Light when you know God when you experience the Lord for yourself you're able to discern you're able to watch out that no one deceives you so listen I encourage you to search for an experience with God we need a real authentic personal encounter with God so that we can really separate a genuine move of God from a counterfeit imitation by the devil and so I believe that we need the Holy Spirit now more than ever before because it is with the help of the Holy Spirit that we can have discernment we can be led to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as people we ask the Lord for so many things we ask for miracles we ask for material things we even ask for doors to be opened and new opportunities to come our way but have you ever thought what Godly wisdom would do to you and for you dear friend have you ever prayed for wisdom The Book of Proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 says wisdom is the principle thing therefore get wisdom and in all you're getting get understanding as we go through life as we grow in our walk with Christ we must realize that we need wisdom and understanding and this isn't the type of wisdom that comes with the experience of living and getting older but rather Godly wisdom James chapter 1 verse 5 puts it this way if any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach and it will be given to him I'm amazed at how Frank the Bible can be at times here in James chapter 1 verse 5 the Bible is literally telling me that if I lack wisdom in any areas of my life or if I need Godly wisdom to guide me through a decision the Bible tells me to Simply ask the Lord for it there is no special test or rigorous criteria for you and I to gain wisdom we just have to ask wisdom can also be gained from reading the word of God and I believe that when it comes to life when it comes to how we should conduct ourselves as Christians Proverbs Chapter 11 offers a great comparison between the way of the righteous and The Way of the Wicked as I read this passage of scripture measure yourself against God's word at the same time I encourage you to listen to this passage of scripture and see it as the standard we should all aspire to reach when it comes to righteousness faithfulness and humility Proverbs chapter 11 verse 1 through 12 says the Lord detests the use of dishonest scales but he Delights in accurate weights Pride leads to disgrace but with humility comes wisdom honesty guides good people dishonesty destroys treacherous people riches won't help on the day of judgment but right living can save you from death The Godly are directed by honesty the wicked fall beneath their load of sin the godliness of good people rescues them the ambition of treacherous people traps them when the wicked die their hopes die with them for they rely on their own feeble strength The Godly are rescued from trouble and it falls on the wicked instead with their words that Godless destroy their friends but knowledge will rescue the righteous the whole city celebrates when The Godly succeed they shout for Joy when the wicked die Upright Citizens are good for a city and make it prosper but the talk of the wicked tears it apart it is foolish to belittle one's neighbor a sensible person keeps quiet as we go through life as we grow in our walk with Christ we must realize that we need wisdom and understanding [Music]

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