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Be at Peace | God Message | God Message Today | God Message For You | Gods Message Now

my dear child you seek my help aware of my deep affection for you and my steadfast commitment to assist indeed I will provide my support be at peace knowing you have the inner strength to navigate life's challenges with calm and happiness for your father in Heaven is ever present even in times of weakness should you stumble remember my grace is Limitless and my my compassion unfailing I have not let you down before and will not in your moments of greatest need when sorrow grips your heart and tears fill your soul greet each Dawn with hope listen a new to my words for the courage to face each day trust in my promises hold fast to my love and life with unwavering resolve continue forward despite hurdles focus on my promises undaunted by the trials you encounter in moments of adversity Remember The Bravery within you regardless of the world's scorn Embrace this truth wholly this year is yours a time for Spiritual and everlasting wealth born from the lessons of your current circumstances I will generously bless you for You Are My Chosen One seek me in Earnest prayer offer your heart and present your daily petitions B ask in my presence and I will fulfill the deep-seated desires of your heart it is heartening that you Heed These words approach this year and its tasks with seriousness seize this opportunity for I will generously bless you and your family there is nothing beyond my love's provision for you I will restore your honor and give you your rightful place a brighter future awaits if you entrust your heart to to me and embrace the healing and forgiveness my Tender Love provides the promises are inscribed in your heart if you choose to believe in me do so wholeheartedly avoid the path of those who speak of my love but lack true Faith they listen to others judgments and accept the condemnation and contempt imposed by others numerous individuals attempt to shape you in their own self-centered image setting forth unattainable standards they themselves fail to meet they wear cloaks of apparent righteousness and faint Holiness positioning themselves as more virtuous than you regardless of your Deeds to them you are invariably seen as the utmost wrongdoer yet I invite you to embrace total freedom enabling peaceful rest tonight during the night my holy spirit will communicate with your soul bringing healing to both your heart and mind I will shatter every lingering bond that restricts you come morning as you awaken you will be liberated forever more your joy will no longer be swayed by others judgments you will at last become who you're destined to be a wise Discerning child of mine gentle yet resilient Brave and imbued with an Ardent Mighty and steadfast faith in your most challenging times when others wound you and darkness seems to engulf you when all appears hopeless hold fast to me you are mine destined for far greater than a life shadowed by tears and Scorn I cherish you support you forgive you and rejuvenate you I am here to lead you to a brighter future blessed with remarkable gifts and abilities bestowing upon you peace happiness and well-being assert your rightful status stand with honor you are a Royal heir forever safeguarded under the watch of your powerful Eternal Father in Heaven utter these words believe in them wholeheartedly I am providing the opportunity you seek I am clearing your path of hindrances I will fulfill the prayers you have earnestly offered you will witness transformation in various aspects of your life in your character your family and your home focus on what lies ahead let go of the past and place your trust in me your life is precious your family wonderful and the plans I have for you are so magnificent they might seem surreal realize that your dreams are not achievable by your strength alone your aspirations will be realized through faith in my mercy and strength avoid placing complete Reliance on those who vow undying loyalty as they may disappoint you I am the only one who will steadfastly support you the time is approaching for you to receive the long- awaited blessings soon concerns and needs will dissipate replaced by tranquility and divine abundance your trust in my word is vital for reaching your goals and maintaining resilience against all challenges [Music] I am set to reveal to you a profound understanding unveiling to you my secrets you will be amazed by the depth of my love for you and the extent of blessings I have showered upon you ask yourself are you ready to embrace your blessing share with me the feelings stirring in your heart I recognize your deep love for your children they are precious in my sight too in my book I have recorded not just their names and appearances but also their hearts thoughts dreams mistakes challenges and wishes remember the importance they hold in your life I urge you to find peace and stop agonizing over their choices if it seems they are on the wrong path do not fret over things beyond your control place all your concerns in my hands focus on your own life as excessive worry drains you and steals your peace maintain your energy and faith and turn to prayer for their well-being now is the time to let go of what needs to be released like doves your children have grown and must now fly freely release them confidently allowing them to embrace their independence rest assured as you pray for them my protective Embrace will always surround them heed my advice and Trust in my plans when you succumb to the urge to control or make decisions for your children to direct their paths your mind is burdened with unnecessary weights leave these matters to me there are boundaries they must not cross especially the respect for the Dignity of your family and home if they air silence is not an option I will provide you with the strength peace and wisdom to address them appropriately but refrain from anger be cautious with your words and actions as they can either wound or heal I have not treated you harshly nor punished you as your mistakes warrant I come with love and salvation do the same for the children in your heart remember this mistakes will happen tears will be shed but the Salvation that entered your life will reach your children too in my perfect timing they will reach the boundaries I have set genuine repentance will follow and they will return home bringing blessings that enrich your family and add to your joy offer them forgiveness and Grace once again grant them another opportunity persist in praying for your children and you will feel my peace embrace the confidence that your children are safe in my care your character is admirable I value your sincerity and the heartfelt emotions you express when you speak with me when you close your eyes in prayer The Joy your heart brings me when it resonates with that delightful Rhythm overflowing with Divine contentment I am filling your essence with this Celestial Joy easing any distress pain or suffering after hearing my words I want you to feel profoundly love

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