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Awakening from the Illusion of Self: The Path to Presence | A Guided Meditation with Eckhart Tolle

who you are as a person is of little or no importance who I am as a person is of no importance at least while we're here and then hopefully that will have some effect on the rest of your life when you go about your business so that the me the person loses its overriding importance in your life it's still there but it's no longer what dominates your life so it's really transcending the person and being here together can give you an intensified experience of the shift from being primarily a person to being primarily the presence I don't speak to you as a person my mind is used as a tool through which presence speaks that's why I have a little book called Stillness Speaks seems almost paradoxical this entire teaching if you even want to call it that is not does not come from a person it only happens because the person got out of the way became transparent subsided and so something deeper was able to come through into this Dimension and that's your destiny and purpose also so to to be the presence consciously to experience yourself as that underlying presence is liberating it frees you from the density of being only that person knowing yourself only as that personal self being self in the Buddhist sense which is ultimately a delusion did deluded what emerges is in Buddhist terms we might say the no self which is not something it's not an object it has no form oh Hindu terms the Transcendent self emerges the formless self not the me anymore and it's Timeless there's no past and future to it and so this is recognizing yourself as essentially Timeless Timeless awareness timless Consciousness so when you look at me you're not looking at a person but you're connect conting with yourself so the depths of who you are is reflected back to you that's small for when you go back into your daily life there may be times when the person reasserts itself completely so you lose yourself again in the person and then you wake up again and some presence comes back there may also be times when you are primarily the presence that's wonderful as that happens more and more in your life with that comes an all openness in nonjudgment the judgmental mind subsides and a real sense of connectedness or rather Oneness with other beings human beings on the life forms and so that means the way in which you experience your so-called life the way in which you experience the world people situations events that changes the reactive person the reactive me is no longer running the show and where before there was a reactive judgmental person there's now a deep benevolent presence that

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