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Attention Scientists Would You Believe This

I think the topic which is being given tonight is the discussion of making space and time for consciousness and so one of the questions is how does one escape time can one escape time and you refer to cycles of time which relates to the question of whether time is linear or time is cyclic which is a topic of great philosophical interest and in fact that is something which I would like to talk to you about and it's a question which arises those in the context of cosmology which is my professional discipline when we look at the universe it's full of psychic processes even the universe itself could be a cyclic process now at the moment most cosmologists would say we don't live in a cyclic universe because the universe is accelerating because of what's called the dark energy we don't know what the dark energy is it's meant to be some sort of cosmological concept but it makes the universe accelerate rather than recollapse so you ask most cosmologists they say although the future of the universe is it will expand forever and it will get more and more dispersed eventually we won't even be able to see the other galaxies they'll be so far away but that's interesting because if you read most of the religious texts especially I think from the eastern tradition the Hindu and the Buddhist text there the indication is that the universe is going to recollapse and that you will actually have cycles of the universe and I have to confess personally I've always favored a cyclic universe everything in the world we know of has cycles turns out that the the time of the cycle is something like 20 billion years and that's remarkably close I mean if the universe is going to re collapse it will re collapse on that sort of time scale probably and modern cosmologists have only discovered this in the last 50 years using their telescope and so it's remarkable that modern and maybe other mistakes were able to get this information whatever it was 500 BC many many years ago so it's like you have this in a space station so we're spending through science we're we're spending billions of dollars to get this information originally Sadh guru was talking about cycles of time and I'm talking about so far cycles of time within the physical cosmology but they're also cycles of time which go beyond physics and I know we'll get on to that later but I should maybe ask you to react because today modern science the methodology is uh come up with the concept make a theory build a mathematical backbone and then look for elements of proof which could confirm those things I I believe that's a methodology the methodology of uh mysticism or mysticism or yogic way of looking at things is to turn in word and look at what we are made of this is coming from the fundamental in science you would say in Assumption in my experience I say from the fundamental knowing the way I am made is not different from the way the universe is made I'm just a tiny bit but still you can sit here with this little ice you can look up and look at a galaxy this is because this is made the same way and we are able to reflect that there are some studies people say that they've looked at the vision and landscapes of some insects or something some experiments have been made where they're saying their vision and their thing doesn't go beyond their survival requirements so this capability we have because we are able to reflect the entire universe within us if we wish in fact everything that we are seeing is only a reflection right now these people seem to be here but we are only seeing them the way they are reflecting in the fore moment of our minds that is simply no other way to see it so having said that the fundamental instruments of perception is just this how we keep it different people can see different things based on how sharp they keep themselves when I say see I'm not only talking about visual appretice we see through the five senses and more so in this context the way we see this is because of your cosmology inevitably your the other day the boss didn't allow you to speak about time but you had spoken about space which I see personally as a consequence of time let me just articulate in simple words what is the way we see the universe and see if how many overlaps are there and if there are things that don't overlap we can examine why they don't overlap it's like this in the yogik principle the universe was like this this is usually represented as an ouroboros a snake a Cobra running into each other mouth and tight tail included and a hood rising here so this is not the European ouroborus animal they make it a circle but this is how it was so we call this anant that means it's infinite I want to tell you it's not a concept this infinite or infinity was like this the nature of infinity I don't have to tell you but for everyone if you make infinity plus 10 it's still infinity infinity minus million still infinity so your mathematics don't work you do plus minus multiply divide nothing so it was like this could do nothing with it then it unfolded and became like this then we call the Shuniya shuniya means emptiness became empty what is what was infinite became empty this is very important to understand what was that which is infinite was it not empty we could not even call it empty or full at that time because it's infinite there's no plus minus to it no multiplication and division to it so it was this way it uncoiled itself to become nothing nothing means we must put a hyphen between no and thing it is a no thing but it has a presence now this presence I'm assuming maybe this presence is what the modern scientists are calling as dark energy or dark force or whatever but it's very appropriate because we call this shuniya or kala the word kala means empty the word kala means darkness the word kala means time the word kala means all these four things became somewhat manifest because it became a kala so this is here as emptiness but we call this infinite space must Mark my words it's infinite space not time because there is no distinction it is time which is unfolding to become space so once it became kala like this you can see it as emptiness you can see it as time you can see it as space you can see it first manifestation of that which doesn't have a form anything that doesn't have a form is also called kala

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