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Are Religious Leaders Using You? Sadhguru: “No Heaven Don’t Be Fooled!”

do you have any proof do you have any proof it's only for those who shall die that you are not already in heaven and messing it up do you have any no no mother earth gave you this body thinking that you will use it for your well-being and put it back when your job is done you want to steal it and run away somewhere the way the heavens are described in various religions I'm very clear there one place where I want don't want to go 100% when are you going to figure out how to handle your thought and emotion not hers not hers not his yours when are you going to learn how to handle my thought and my emotion at the end of your life the only problem really with life is just this most human beings have taken themselves too seriously they don't understand you've seen on the computer screen these popups you are a popup on this planet you pop up for 2 seconds and pop out no no you must see countless number of people like you and me have walked this planet they were also big people where are they all top soil top soil or no unless they somebody your friends decide to bury you real deep fearing that you may raise from the dead you know there have been such instances or maybe you're planning to go to heaven hello anybody who talks about a place other than this place has a better place than this this is a crime against humanity my fundamental work is to destroy all Heavens so that people will learn to live well here all these idiots who made a hell out of themselves they want to go to heaven they made a mess out of this place and then they want to go to heaven I'm asking you do you have any proof do you have any proof that you are not already in heaven and messing it up do you have any proof you're already in heaven making a mess out of it yes simply because you are not even learning how to handle your basic faculties of thought and emotion isn't it the way the heavens are described in various s I'm very clear that's one place where I want don't want to go 100% because it looks like it is made in some crude man's head no room for woman anyway except as utility there is no space for women because these things were all manufactured Ed in perverted men's Minds all the things that they're deprived of here they are imagining things in big quantity out there there is really no role for woman you're doing better on the planet don't even think of going to heaven I'm definitely not going there not because of Eligibility maybe that is also a question simply because that is not the kind of lousy place that I would ever want to go the heavens that people have created this is what you're seeing here is creator making what is within me is my making this always feels like heaven if you manage the outside reasonably well the outside also will be Heaven this is an assured Heaven external situations need management but with little management that is also Heaven you want to go to another place please go but why are you staying here right now what happens when I die well I maybe not me but like does one go to heaven well which Heaven you want to go because every religion has their own Heaven this is where it gets tricky now now now you I'll tell you because you do not know what is in the heaven let me describe it to you uh in the Hindu Heaven food is very good if you a Foody that's where you must go in the other Heaven There are you know long white gown ladies floating in the sky you like that means you go there in another place in another place you will encounter virgin problems if that's what you're looking for you go there but what do you have to do to go there you got to die first that's an important thing when you die depending on your culture we will either bury you burn you cut you and throw you to the birds do something with your body because this body is a piece of this planet when your job is done you must put it back if youve not done anything eco-friendly at least this much you must do put the damn body back some people are talking about going to Mars with it all right you must put it back that is one sensible thing to do why are you wasting cutting a tree when a man dies at least plant a tree because you make good manure so in India we just wrap them in a cloth with salt and everything and we put them there and plant a tree you this material you picked up from this planet when your job is done it's best to give it back because it's just a loan know Mother Earth gave you this body thinking that you will use it for your well-being and put it back when your job is done you want to steal it and run away somewhere let's finish this okay so uh these are all different offerings in the heaven but the this thing is you must die first when you die we put your body here no matter what in which form we put it we put it somewhere either in a sack or a box or whatever we put it here so you went to heaven and you don't have a body now what do you do with good food and virgins I'm asking

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