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America As You’ve Never Seen Before – From A Mystic’s Motorcycle! | Sadhguru

Sadhguru: Just three motorcycles and a crew of sixteen people. Sadhguru: Wow! Sadhguru: Rocks and rocks… confounds me (Laughs). Speaker (Chief Izzy Black Spotted Horse, Lakota Nation): I could see his spirit. It’s very strong. Sadhguru: Mato Tipila, has a powerful presence of Vishuddhi. Questioner (Andre Duqum): Can I know your thoughts on extraterrestrial life, and if you’ve been in contact with any (Sadhguru laughs)? Sadhguru: Grand Canyon, as grand as it can be. Sadhguru: (Laughs) Unbelievable. Sadhguru: You are a bad director of your own drama (Laughs). Speaker (Will Smith): Yes, exactly (Laughs). Sadhguru: There must be educa… regular education but there must be your own traditional education. Speaker (Mike Tyson) : Good luck with your motorcycle tour across America. Speaker (Taboo): I am just very honored to speak to this amazing man, Sadhguru. Sadhguru: I meet a little devil right here. Speaker: Yeah. Sadhguru: Huh? American Gringo (Few laugh). Speaker: Sadhguru. Speaker: Blessed to meet you. Sadhguru: These graves are not in celebration, but in reminder – this is not the way to conduct the world. Sadhguru sings Wahan kaun hai tera…

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