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ALWAYS BE SILENT IN 5 SITUATIONS | Power Of Silence | Zen Motivational Story |

foreign [Music] there lived a man who had a habit of talking too much he would often say things without thinking and then regret later many times he would get into trouble with his family friends neighbors and even strangers because of his careless speaking and then he would feel embarrassed afterward one day he heard about a bison master who lived in a nearby monastery he decided to go and seek his advice the next day he arrived at the monastery and met the Zen master he bowed respectfully and said master I have come to ask you for your help I have a problem that makes me miserable I talk too much and I often say things that I regret later sometimes are you fan people and create conflicts with them how can I overcome this problem does zen master looked at him and said my friend speaking is important to express your thoughts and feelings to others but speaking is not always the best option sometimes keeping silent is wiser than speaking by doing that you can avoid many unnecessary problems and regrets therefore today I will tell you about 5 situations in which you should keep silent five situations what are the master the man asked curiously the Zen master set the first tuition in which you should keep silent is when you are angry anger is like a fire that burns everything in its path it destroys your peace of mind and your relationships with others it makes you say things that you don't mean and that you will regret later it also makes you do things that you will be ashamed of later anger is a poison that harms your body and your soul you should not let anger control you rather you should control your anger and the best way to do that is to keep silent when you are angry and calm yourself down before speaking thus you can avoid conflicts with others and avoid hurting others with your words and also you will not have to repent later then the Zen master said the second situation is keep silent when you lack full knowledge of something speaking without knowledge will make you look like a fool in the eyes of others and people will not respect you by doing so you will also spread false or incomplete information that can mislead or confuse others you will also lose the opportunity to learn from others who have more knowledge than you you should not pretend to know something that you don't know you should not speak without verifying the facts or sources you should keep silent when you lack full knowledge of something and listen to others who have more knowledge than you then the Zen master said the third situation in which you should keep silent is when you are doubtful of something sometimes people lie exaggerate or misunderstand something sometimes you don't see or hear the whole truth don't believe or speak based on rumors assumptions or hearsay you may have to regret your first letter verify the fats and sources before speaking seek the truth before speaking otherwise you may regret your words later than the Zen master said the first tuition in which you should keep silent is when someone is sharing their feelings with you especially when they are set keep silent and listen attentively when someone is said they need someone to listen to them and understand them they need someone to be sympathetic and empathetic they don't need someone to interrupt them or give them advice they don't need someone to judge them or criticize them they just need someone to be there for them and let them speak out their heart by keeping silent and listening you show them that you care for them and that you respect their feelings you also help them to release their emotions and feel better thus you also learn more about them and distribution it will also strengthen you are born with them and earn their trust therefore always keep silent when someone is sharing their feelings with you then the Zen master said the first situation in which you should keep silent days when You Face mockery or disdain from others they may mock or disdain you for your appearance your beliefs your actions or your choices they may have different motives for doing so they may want to make you feel bad or inferior they may want to provoke you or hurt you you should not respond to them with anger or resentment you should not argue with them or defend yourself you should not give them the satisfaction of seeing your reaction you should remain silent and smile in face of mockery or distance by doing so you show them that you are not affected by their words you show them that you are confident and secure in yourself you show them that you are wise and mature thus you will also wide creating more conflict or trouble with them you also save your energy and time for more important things and sometimes they may realize their mistake and apologize to you later after saying that the Zen master concluded so these are the five situations in which you should keep silent if you follow this rule you will avoid many problems and conflict with people and you will not have to regret later on also by keeping silent in these situations you will look like a wise man in the eyes of others and they will respect you more then the Zen master became silent after listening to the Jan Master the man had feeling of gratitude on his face he thanked us and master for his valuable lesson and decided to follow his advice for the rest of his life he understood the performed strength behind choosing silence over unnecessary words he came to understanding that true strength lies not just in speaking but in understanding when silence is more powerful response thank you foreign

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