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A Great Blessing Awaits this Month | Gods message today | God blessings message | God’s message now

my beloved child I come to you with a heart full of love and a desire to connect with you in this moment I see the longing in your soul for more success strength and prosperity and I want you to know that I am here to bestow these blessings upon you I want to congratulate you for taking firm steps and approaching me with faith today your trust in me warms my heart and I want you to understand that I have watched over you in every moment of your life life I have protected you from illnesses and dangers you may not even be aware of if you hold fast to my word you will see open doors and provision raining down from the windows of Heaven open your heart to Faith not only this month but in all the months to come for I will always be with you do not stray onto Paths of Disobedience and do not let foolish ideas take root in your mind you stand here today not just because of my love but because of your unwavering Faith your belief in my promises has brought you under the protective shadow of my grace open your eyes as well and come to me daily to hear my message in this month I will reveal the special purpose I have for you you are valuable to me to my work to your family to your children and to your friends your heart carries a special Mission but do not rush into projects without my guidance do not let your emotions dictate your steps consult me before making decisions for I want to bless you in my way do not covet the blessings of others or copy their actions I have prepared unique gifts for you treasures and talents waiting to be uncovered these blessings are on their way but you must remain steadfast in my word and presence to receive what is rightfully yours do not waste your days comparing yourself to others take your place and your dreams will come true your desires will be fulfilled and your leadership will prosper I will ignite a desire within you to live to fight and to work prepare yourself to conquer the land I have set before you but go into Conquest with my my word in your heart do not take a single step without consulting me for all that is your part you will achieve with strength and bravery no matter where you are treat people with Grace and be an example of love and simplicity do not chase the fleeting Fame of this world for it leads to emptiness do not boast about your possessions to seek temporary Applause for true satisfaction comes from me alone their souls may be filled with loneliness and deceit but yours will be filled with my Everlasting Love if I bestow great blessings upon you do not flaunt them in the open where envy and danger lurk do not risk your family for the sake of false Applause do not invent titles for yourself guard your heart for this is my solemn warning to you you may choose to ignore me or dismiss my message but know this my word will be fulfilled it is planted in your soul and will not return empty soon it will Sprout and your life will change I bless protect and prosper those who remain loyal to me who do not ignore or abandon me it is my will that you prosper in all things just as your soul prospers through my holy word I do not ask for the impossible I want to hear your prayers your repentance and your desire for change I am opening your Supernatural vision and touching your spirit with my powerful anointing feel my presence I am here everything I speak to you will come to pass seek me in my word and ask for miracles that may seem impossible you will see that your faith and loyalty have not been in vain come cry out to me and I will answer you I will reveal great and hidden things to you with powerful blessings that will astonish you write it down now and declare your belief in me this is a month of blessings a month of prayer it will be a beautiful time of joy and reflection but I urge you not to miss a single word of this message this is a month to hear my word every day so it is etched in your soul and comes alive when you you face problems conflicts threats rumors attacks and doubts do not fear or be discouraged for I will always be by your side to offer my help I am not distant or hidden if you stumble at any point your sincere repentance and simple faith will bring you back to the Blessed path know that my love is true and my presence in your life is real you will never be able to deny it even when adversity tries to defeat you or confusion clouds your mind the flame I have ignited within you will never be extinguished I love you and you will always know it I forgive you and offer you a fresh start these truths are written and sealed and you will hear them every morning you have a mission to fulfill there is no turning back no sitting idly waiting for someone else to motivate you I want you to mature and grow you were not created to always depend on others who may let you down rise up change your way of thinking and gaze into that mirror that has often deceived you see how beautiful you are appreciate the virtues talents and gifts that your heavenly father has bestowed upon you remember every time you overcame adversity conquered challenges and did not beg others for help you emerged Victorious because in your heart you cried out to me even when you felt distant witness how I showed you love extended my hand and did not hold your mistakes against you I rescued you from those situations and granted you the Triumph you needed in this month and in all that lies ahead have confidence Ence that I am here I love you deeply and I will keep reminding you of it because I know that your spirit is strengthened when you listen to me and you will never Tire of my presence I want you to absorb each of my messages and fill yourself with this Supernatural strength as you receive and share my word this month walk in faith always looking ahead and sharing blessings with others many miracles are on their way and immense happiness awaits you but never forget what I tell you your faith and your Greatful heart will open the heavens and holy blessings will pour down upon you and your family now tell me that you believe in me and rise up Embrace a month of Victory nothing harmful will befall you you are in my hands and even if challenging moments arise continue to trust if someone departs from your life or a door closes do not fear you are alive and I love you I am embracing you you are in a very special place it is my will that you receive healing and it is my desire to comfort your soul with my Holy Spirit I understand your struggles and I also desire for you to experience peace and lack nothing every day go about your tasks sincerely and without fear and know that you are deeply loved and protected by your heavenly father the changes happening around you are the result of my powerful hand clearing your paths removing obstacles and keeping away those who wish to harm you take from you and wound your soul do not halt your activities do not hide out of fear of what may come do not silence your voice continue to pray and give thanks do not hide fr

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