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Yoga for Immunity: Two Simple Yoga Postures To Enhance Your Oxygen Level

[Music] there is a asana a yogic posture which is called as sashtang the significance of this posture is that you touch eight points of your body to the ground and hold it there in this posture the lung particularly the lung functions in a certain way the various aspects to it but we are talking about enhancing oxygen levels in the system the entire pulmonary system functions in a unique way in this asana this is one of the most common asanas which has gotten distorted in many ways in common use where almost every devotee is supposed to go into this posture but due to lack of instruction and understanding people are just lying down on the ground here is a proper demonstration of sashtang or touching eight points of your body to the ground holding it that way and breathing slightly deeper than normal here the forehead chest two hands two knees and the big toes or on the floor heels together holding it this way the breath will naturally become in a slightly exaggerated way hold it that way if possible six to seven minutes otherwise start with three minutes after you have done this for six to seven minutes relax your body so that the entire body touches the floor and get into what is called as makarasan if you are a male person keep right hand on top of the left hand if you are a woman keep left hand on top of the right hand put your forehead on top of it and just let your body relax for three to four minutes and then move your right leg in such a way that it is the thigh is at right angles to the body and below the knee is also at right angles to the thigh part of your leg and turn your head to the right eyes closed normal breathing and relax into this posture for three to four minutes and do the same on the other side turn your head to the left side get your left leg into that posture where it is almost like you're sitting on a chair that is your thigh is at right angles to the rest of the body and below the knee the shin and the cough muscle is also at right angles to the thigh and your head is looking towards the left placed upon your palms and relax into this posture for three to four minutes and once again go into such tongue for six to seven minutes you can do a cycle like this three times at a time and you can do it four to five times in a day especially because most of you are wearing masks right now the danger of decreased oxygen levels even without infections can happen because of this if you do this four to five times in a day this regimen your oxygen levels will definitely be up and follow this with simha kriya so that your immune system will function much better there is substantial medical evidence today to show that it actually works like this many universities have invested their research into this so don't go on debating this just put this into action it is not an absolute cure or a preventive but we must understand our health is not an absolute either our health is a consequence of many incremental steps that we take please take this step at these pandemic times and ensure to whatever extent possible that you do not become a victim nor do you become a spreader namaskaram and thank you [Music] ancient yogic techniques are known to have many benefits for the body mind and energies sadguru offers simha kriya a simple but powerful yogic practice to boost the immunity and enhance our lung capacity will be giving the instructions it is important that you receive these instructions properly please dedicate the next 10 minutes exclusively for this process please do not attempt the practice while watching the video first listen to the complete instructions and then attempt the practice on your own so this is a simple practice for those of you who do not know any other powerful process one thing is it will enhance your lung capacity another thing is it will enhance your immunity and above all if you can do it today if you can do it for next five days and suddenly one day you're not able to do it this means definitely you got some respiratory problem it doesn't matter what it is you must have yourself checked if you suddenly find you're not able to do it what it involves is that you have to fully stretch your tongue out with your mouth fully open and then breathe as powerfully as possible without jerking the abdomen but powerful pushing in and pushing out both inhalation exhalation 21 times and when it is done you roll up your tongue upward push it as further back as you can you don't have to use your hands it's not a good time to use your hands so roll up your tongue fully as much as you can by yourself like and still with your mouth open again breathe the same way inhalation exhalation as powerfully as possible but you must get the sound by making a constriction in your throat like this the sound must be there it's important that you make form a constriction at the throat at the pit of your throat and make the sound an inhalation exhalation fully exhaling fully inhaling as powerfully as you can but without jerking the abdomen another 21 times with the tongue rolled up throughout the whole process you have your eyes closed you inhale fully you inhale fully and simply sit there with the fullness of breath for one minute if you are beyond a certain age or your breathing is not that good at least 30 seconds if you are not able to do one minute a minimum of 30 seconds you stay there when the day you are not able to do it you must understand that there is some problem with your respiratory system and you must go for a checkup right now i want you to just observe don't do it just observe and i will tell you how to go about the process shhh huh so what's being done is uh one has to sit in a cross-legged posture whichever way you can whatever your body permits and then use both the arms to push it up in such a way that your rib cage lifts off the diaphragm region fully pushed up and now extend your tongue fully out like this 21 times when it's done then close your mouth dot also 21 times then close your mouth you exhale with your mouth closed making the sound at the pit of your throat by creating a constriction and then if you wish to sit quietly for some time with your eyes closed do that and then you can do whatever you're doing this is a simple practice that anybody could do you ensure your stomach is not too full you must be somewhat hungry even if you are not totally empty stomach at least you must be somewhat hungry kind of situation so this is a simple practice particularly those of you who are exposed either because you are medical personal or your police or you're in some other service where you're exposed to infected people please make sure you do this this will make a lot of difference for you conditions for the practice you should be somewhat hungry ideally give at least two and a half hours space between your last meal and the practice anyone between the age of six to seventy years can do the practice regardless of their physiological and medical conditions

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