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Let Go Of Control and Trust God | Inspirational & Motivational

for every season in life the word of God has an answer when you are worried Philippians 4 verse 6 says do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God should you be in a season where the future appears to be uncertain and the unknown makes you fearful second Timothy 1 verse 7 says for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind now perhaps you are unsettled within you maybe there are issues you are dealing with and they've left your heart in a Restless state well John 14 verse 1 let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me I urge you today to get to know the word of God for yourself get God's word within you read scripture as often as you can memorize Bible verses and meditate on them as often as you can because when you go through the many seasons of Life the ups and downs of this life it's only what is in you that will sustain you and if the word of God is in you then you will survive you will make it by the grace of God and the power in his word now the reason why it's so vital for us to meditate on God's word is because we're told in Joshua 1 verse 8 that keep this book of the law always on your lips meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it then you will be prosperous and successful the word of God has an answer for us throughout every season of life and so we must be anchored in God's word and our prayers must be rooted in Scripture and what I mean people of God is that we need to speak the word of God over ourselves we need to declare the word of God in our lives we need to confess it and I believe that we need to assert the word of God as the governing authority over our lives and what I mean by saying that we need to assert the word of God is when you look at the definition of the word assert it means state of fact or belief confidently and forcefully it means to state with Assurance with confidence or to State strongly so that's what I'd like to encourage you to do State the word of God confidently at all times State the word of God forcefully when the enemy tries to attack you when he tries to attack your home when he tries to attack your family State the word of God with power stated strongly and speak with assurance I say all of this because when God speaks things happen things change and dear Saints God has spoken to us through his word this is why we're told in Matthew 24 35 Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away [Music] have you ever seen a professional pianist play have you ever heard how they can command the keys and their hands just seem to Glide up and down that piano when you see a Pianist performing on stage and in front of hundreds of people you see them perform as the finished article what you don't see is the years and years of dedication the years and years of commitment and practice behind them are years and years of doing the same things over and over again day in day out they developed strong habits habits that eventually help them achieve remarkable things and this is the key what you do daily what you do consistently shapes a lot more than you think in your life let's take this concept of reaping and sewing Galatians chapter 6 verse 8 says whoever shows to please their flesh from the flesh will reap destruction whoever sows to please the spirit from the spirit will reap eternal life think of it this way if you develop a habit of satisfying your sinful desire if day in and day out you are engaged in that which is worldly if you consistently invest in the flesh then the Bible says you will reap corruption because all things relating to the flesh are temporary they will pass away but whoever sows into the spirit when you sow into the spirit that means that day in and day out you're investing in the things of the Lord you are about your father's business in Practical terms it means you're living a Christian Life where your prayer is a daily habit reading the word of God is a daily habit and you see it's these habits that will begin to transform your life the more time you consistently spend in God's word and in prayer the more you will grow as a believer if you were impulsive you will find that the holy spirit will enable you to have self-control if you were judgmental to others or full of Pride the holy spirit will enable you to have humility and love your neighbor and of all the habits that we need to develop I believe daily communion with the Holy Spirit is absolutely Paramount Ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 says don't be drunk with wine because that will ruin your life instead be filled with the Holy Spirit when you are filled with the Holy Spirit this means that you are constantly Guided by him you're always led by the spirit rather than our sinful nature it's a state of dependency you are no longer dependent on yourself on your resources or your circle of influence but you are dependent on the Holy Ghost day in and day out this is why it's so important to be filled with the Holy Spirit so look at your habits and if they are not causing you to grow in faith and grow in the Lord pray for change [Music] [Music]

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