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How to Take Advantage of [SECRET] Celestial Event That WIll Change Humanity’s For Next 12 months

in this time will humanity bring disaster upon themselves or will they bring realization and transformation upon themselves is in the hands of human beings and everybody should rise whatever we can do we should do to see that humanity rises because there is a kind of energy that is very difficult to generate by ourselves and the entire planet is being influenced by that something is not good people will go through some turmoil so we release the Death Book and by March people who are dying all over the place literally everywhere in the world March April of 2020 you remember so this solar flash started about 17 months ago maybe which increased its activity it could go on but another four and a half years this is why conscious planet as a moment becomes super significant I did not predict that there will be a pandemic or something but I knew there will be something happening because I don't try to decipher these things with thoughts I just see things as they are I knew something not so good will be happening to people so in the month of February we release the Death Book eight years it's been in the works and people who are working on it wanted to be perfect that you know they worked on it they worked on it they worked on it it came back to me I worked on it give it back to them again they come back one more question one more question backward road it's been going on for eight years and I put a deadline it has to be finished by end of January in 2020 and February we published it lot of people in India asking me Sadh guru you knew I'm not the one who brought the virus from wherever I did not know if I knew I ever told you it's coming I did not know I just knew that something is not good but we'll go through some turmoil so we release the death book and by March people were dying all over the place literally everywhere in the world March April of 2020 you remember so this solar flares started about 17 months ago maybe which increased its activity it could go on but another four and a half years in this time will humanity bring disaster upon themselves or will they bring realization and transformation upon themselves is in the hands of human beings this is why Conscious Planet as a moment becomes super significant so this if you're conscious this is a fantastic time because I want you to understand this it is only in the summer when the sun is really hot all the plants really burst out they know how to make use of the sun's energy winter also of course you were complaining but something new every season gives you something new to complain whether it is a climatic season or your life seasons always complaining about something because you don't learn how to write it so the solar flares for a spiritual seeker who wants to transform his energy ah well this is a time when everything is cooking really well I want to make sure all the consequences I want to do I finish within this next four and a half years because himself with me probably not hundred percent this is most probably 80% I am correct on this but it could be a little off probably by mid 2023 to mid 2024 those 12 months probably or at least 9 months could be at its peak so at that time will we bring realization to the world or disasters to the world or will nations start shooting at each other I don't know I would like to see something very positive when wonderful happens but I'm just one man am I just one man then why are you keeping quiet and this one in ancient times in India certain yogis have been described as sahasranga that means that Yogi had thousand arms you said you have an army I heard that word army takes commands whatever yes sir I don't want to know the yes sir from you but I want you to come to your senses because this is going to be next few years charged up time on this planet are we going to use this charge for transformation realization or are we going to stab at each other kill each other do something terrible to each other because some stimulus is happening in our body we don't have Equality then we will damage each other this is where we are you will watch it and there is enough scientific study today to support this these solar flares have been marked in the Yogik calendar in the past whenever solar flares rules to a certain pitch this happening all the time but certain times uh I don't think there is any particular kind of time table for that because probably the cycles maybe in millions of years there is nobody here to observe that exactly why it happens at a certain given time our observations are all of a few centuries so we really do not know but whenever the solar flares happen Great Yogi's roles in that culture at the same time battles happen disasters events happened sometimes earthquakes happened because the magnetic forces in the planet and the thermal forces in the core of the planet are all being influenced by the solar flares so if a volcano errupts if you have a gallery view of a volcano going off full on only if you are at the foothills and you're going to become part of the morph and stone that's not a good thing so every force in the world is like this so when something like this is happening the populations in the planet should have the wisdom to get themselves to the right place so that this extra force that is being exited upon this planet could work to our advantage otherwise there will be pain there will be death there will be problems at least if we cannot change the whole world that also should not be impossible in today's level of communication because never before we could communicate with people as we can do today because of the technologies we have using the technologies and the solar flares we can make this next four and a half years tremendous time for humanity but if we don't at least segments of society segments of human population could rise those who do not make use of it we do not know how it'll go it's not like some kind of sweeping disaster will happen earthquake will happen flood will happen it's not necessarily like that but there is a extra stimulus on all the energies that work upon this planet the geomagnetic forces and nuclear radiations and the magnetic tail that is there behind the earth and the way moon relates to the planet and how it redirects these energies of the flares towards the earth what it does all these things will have some kind of stimulus when extra stimulus happens you know like other than riding on the motorcycle these days there are modern motorcycles when I rode there's only one mode my mode today there are modes off road mode rain mode touring and sport I always keep it in the sport whatever I ride because I want it on full power so when I'm riding either in India or here the other day I was riding well the rear wheel is little fishtailing a bit because because they're high powered motorcycles if you put it on rain modes it will reduce what extent means it is under around hundred and 60 bhp for two Wheeler it's a lot if you put it

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