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so if God doesn't necessarily exist why do we need gurus why do we need sadhguru do you drive in Delhi do I drive unlike you I have a fear of Wheels so if you drive in an unknown terrain yes you use these days a GPS yes usually a strange woman will tell you turn right you turn right she says turn left we'll send turn left she says make a U-turn you make a u-turn why simply because you're you're not familiar with the terrain when you are in an unfamiliar Terrain it is sensible to take instructions for the new GPS not new long time ago we've been for a very long time way before the GPS came GPS means what Guru positioning system how much of one's life is a result of their past Karma are the injustices and unfairnesses that one faces in one's life a result of their past Karma if so do you accept these injustices on and find solace in the fact that okay the karma is being cleared even though it might seem detrimental to our lives in so many ways you're old enough for this do you do you expect the world to be that's why I'm asking this can I blame it on my past karma is what I'm asking I want I want a world to be fair to me is a girl question by now you should know the world is not fair it will not be fair but if you dig deep into yourself and have a taste of life not a taste of your thought and emotion the taste of life that you are then you will see life is not just fair it's just fantastic so do you want Fair life or fantastic life you must decide the government of Maharashtra recently allocated rupees 3600 so building a shivaji statue when I inquired about this then I was told this is going to be a Technology Center of they want to make it the tourist attraction in the country tourists coming to India avoid Mumbai for variety of reasons and chatrapati shivaji is an inspiration for all the marathis for everything they said that Taj Mahal which is the most popular monument in India has 25 crores coming from Italian and this is 3600 crores this will take 150 years just to recover this is very illogical economics see Taj Mahal is one ticket entry this is going to be many things about Indian culture means they will stay in the hotels they will eat they will do many things they'll spend money in the town no that's not the way to look at it when you have children who are dying of malnutrition when you have schools which have only 25 Public Funding this is 3 600 crores is less than three months of alcohol consumption in Mumbai City why don't we stay in for three months and build a damn thing okay the next question I'm going to ask might sound a little rude and I apologize I'll also be rude that's fine uh you're allowed to be rude asking you this from the perspective of me studying a book called The garud puran lately which speaks about death so oh you're thinking what punishment I should get is it no no no it got me thinking about my own death and everything I wanted to do before my death firstly it's a two-prong question I'm very sorry if this is coming off as rude but I'm curious do you ever think about your own moment in time and and secondly how do you my moment in time I am fully sorted out on that I don't have such bother at all in life do you think about it at all no because I will decide that moment what are you waiting for right why you're asking why am I not dead why have you not chosen it yet people around me are still thirsty to know and to grow if they show little boredom in front of me I'll be gone they better know that so you're still not addressing the point that who are you and I to make prescriptions for women and say that this is harmful for you hence don't do it or this is not harmful and you shouldn't do it if it's harmful and they still want to do it they are free to do it right in the framework of the Constitution there are laws where there are public places and there are private temples and private places of worship how it should be done there is left to them is it happening simply because of a discrimination against your gender if it is so it must be struck down absolutely it's like saying don't I have the right to enter the lady's toilet what nonsense is this you just need sense that you don't go there Joe is your question answered it's not answered but that's okay the problem sir use Mr Joe you do not know the culture of this nation you're talking simply activism yeah because because of Catholic because in this country in this culture the idea of discrimination never arose even before other countries ever thought of even giving franchise to the woman this country did not even debate whether women would have voting rights or not it's simply there because in our culture we never thought so

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