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10 Minutes to Start Your Day Right! – Motivational Speech By Louise Hay [YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS]

[Music] I want to talk about change change and transition any changes that we're going to do it all have to come from within ourselves they absolutely must and change to me means that you change from a feeling of separation and isolation and loneliness and anger and fear and pain and into a state of peacefulness wonderful peacefulness where you can relax and really enjoy life as it comes to you knowing that everything will be all right life is wonderful and that everything is perfect in my world and I move into my greater good always and that way it doesn't really matter to me which direction my life takes because I know it's going to be wonderful so I can enjoy all sorts of things you know Gerald jampalski says that love is letting go of fear and there is either fear or there's love and if you're not in a love space if you're not coming from the loving space of the heart then you're in fear and all those other things like isolation and separation and things like that and loneliness and anger they're all part of the fear syndrome and that's really what we want to change from we want to move from Fear into love and to make that as more or less a permanent state for us you know even the planet itself these days is very much in this period of change and transition we see it all around us we're going from an old order into a new order and some people say it began with the Aquarian age and the at least the astrologers like to describe it that way but you know to me astrology and numerology and palmistries and all those other various methodologies are just ways of describing life they explain life in a slightly different way and people use different language to do this but the astrologers say that we're moving out of the piscean agent into the Aquarian age now and you know in the pi cnh we reached outside of us and looked to other people to save us we looked for other people to do it for us but in the Aquarion age which we're injuring now people are beginning to go within and find that they have the power to save themselves and this is a wonderful liberating thing for us now some people get very frightened because it seems to be responsibility but actually we're discovering our ability to respond to life not in a victim way but in a way that gives us power to the way that gives us power we're finding that we're getting a connection to what the AAA people call the higher power and what I call our higher self so that we can contribute to saving ourselves and it's a wonderful feeling when you don't really have to be dependent on an outside person but to know that you have within you tremendous abilities to make positive changes in your life you see if we're victims then we feel isolated we feel in pain and fear and we're always looking for someone else to do it for us but now we're taking as I said responsibility for own lives and we're beginning to understand how we can contribute to the experiences that we have and how we can change those experiences if we don't really care for them and of course you know from the moment you decide to make a change until you get your demonstration as we call it or when you get what you want we have this transitional period and that's when we're moving between the old order and the New Order it's a time of releasing old beliefs and old habits and of learning and practicing and then living the things that we're working on the new beliefs or the new feelings or the new methods or the new behaviors and while you're getting those in place so that they are a natural part of your life you're going to have a lot of vacillating in that period between the old and the new and you go back and forth between what you what was and what you what you would like to be or what were you would like to have and if you decide that you're going to release an old belief and that you're going to create a new one during that transitional period you're going to go back and forth and this is a time when we often get very angry at ourselves because it's like well I know all about the new why aren't I doing it I must not be good enough or I must be a bad person but that's silly because anything that we're learning takes time and you go back and forth and back and forth until you're really strong in the new belief until you've gone to the complete shift you know you may begin to do an affirmation for something and you're doing well and then something happens and you say oh I can't do that and you go back to your old worry habit again well that's just a period of vacillating it doesn't mean that you haven't learned anything and it doesn't mean that you're back where you started it's just part of that back and forth thing you're not settled in your new habit yet and that takes a little time and a little practice and a little patience and you want to be patient with yourself be patient with yourself you know you want to build yourself up instead of beating yourself up is a tremendously different image if you just think of it do your thoughts build you up or do they beat you up when you beat yourself up you know that's not being very loving to yourself sometimes we don't need to make outward changes so much as to go within and just sort of take what we already do and alter it just a little bit somebody was saying to me tonight that they were thinking about a new apartment and they were worrying that there wouldn't be enough money and I said well why don't you start affirming there will be lots of money and you know it's just like a tiny little thing you always change two words but it's a small way of changing the way you look at a particular situation somebody was asking me saying that they were in a lot of pain and you know they kept using the word pain so much and they said is there another word that I could use and I thought of the time that I smashed my finger with an um a window and I realized that if I really gave into it I was going to go through a very difficult period so the minute it happened I started to do some mental work right away but then I remember I was referring to my finger as having a lot of sensation and you know by insisting upon viewing it in that particular way to me I think helped it heal much quicker and helped me handle what could have been an incredibly painful thing because I knew that if I could alter my mind it would be better if we can just alter the way we think just a little bit so those of us who want to change were moving from an old order to a new order and lots and lots of things are happening on this planet I don't think things on the planet are so very different than they used to be but we seem to be more aware of things I see things in the paper all the time and I think oh my goodness are we really doing that and then as I continue to read it seems like we've been doing it for a long time but it's coming to the surface we seem to see more negativity but you know if you want to clean your own mental house if you decide to work on yourse

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