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𝙂𝙤𝙙 𝙈𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚: A Great Blessing is Coming Your Way | God Message Today | God’s Message Now

a great blessing is coming your way can you feel it something wonderful is about to happen and a sense of Peace fills your heart but remember to nourish your heart with my word and don't allow doubts to destroy your faith stay steadfast for I have the final say I will heal you from all sickness and you will rise with courage Every curse every debt every painful memory from the past will fade from your life your Liberation is at the doorstep and today the chains are breaking joy and happiness are coming to you in abundance and I will perform a powerful miracle in your life your mouth will overflow with praise and your heart will brim with joy you will receive everything you need even enough to bless others and help those in need pray fervently and allow me to touch your body your soul your heart and heal all your pain I will remove your discouragement open the doors of your soul to me and let my peace fill you you have fought hard remained persistent and disregarded discouraging words and criticisms the day has come for you to claim victory provision and prosperity entrust your plans to me and I will assist you in all things Delight in my presence and I will grant the desires of your heart cry out to me and I will answer you I want to show you great and marvelous things I challenge you to believe in me my promises are written there for you to see and you've heard countless times that all things are possible for those who believe in me tell me you believe in me but also take action rise up make the decision to distance yourself from things and friends that lead lead you away from me they won't come to your rescue when You Face serious problems material possessions won't help if you lose your faith believe in me with unwavering determination seek me with your heart morning Day evening and night before you sleep present your requests before me and trust that the good things meant for your growth I will provide listen to me well something beautiful great powerful and astonishing is about to happen in your life I love you tell me you believe it and I will restore what is rightfully yours I am pleased with your way of being you've been attacked so many times subjected to pain you didn't deserve but I will continue pouring blessings upon you receive them and don't worry about those who seek to cause you you fear you are privileged you are hearing words and Revelations that others have never heard stay firm Don't Stray From the Path envious people have tried to lead you into difficulties tried to bring you down and steal from you spoke ill of you but you're still standing strong you haven't lost your faith I'm pleased that you've learned to Value what truly matters and discard the words and intrigues your enemies used to hurt you they are Blinded By the Light that radiates from you and my favor in your home angers them so much they can't sleep but while they low asleep you can rest in confidence and Tranquility knowing that I am guarding your life your family your home and your employment I will take care of them and redirect their focus elsewhere they've realized that no matter what they do they can't cause you the slightest concern their families are in turmoil because they rejected my word and my love I offered them advice for their well-being but they discarded it all and distanced themselves from me but you chose to follow me you recognized that in me was the solution to all your problems and you wholeheartedly surrendered to my will you believed in my word with without hesitation you know that not everyone is like you look around many could be experiencing my love but their hearts have hardened things haven't gone their way and they blame me you are different now you know that your happiness and your future depend not on people but solely on me keep it that way each day you will become better luckier and even your enemies will come to see you asking you to tell them about about me there's a greater blessing waiting for you down the road maintain your faith and your unwavering loyalty keep fighting don't give up just give me a minute feel the tenderness of my words the love and power flowing from my lips you've called out to me in your thoughts because there's a great need in your heart and that's why I'm here to show you how much I love you my affection doesn't wne with time and my presence never leaves you even in your darkest moments don't rely too much on your emotions they deceive you like the wind to the wheat they want to make you lose the confidence that you've walked alongside me through so many Winters and springs you may think that your faith isn't enough that the years have passed and you haven't achieved anything that you're losing your way feeling Defeated You've shed tears thinking that I've abandoned you but I'm here today to remind you that I've always been here I'm here so you can see how much I love you and to make you feel better let those tears flow don't try to carry the burden of the guilt that others have placed on you let your faith be strengthened by my word and let your peace be anchored in my promises be sure of the fact that I will always be with you your pain is here to remind you that you're alive and after pain comes healing after tribulation comes Victory I am here to heal you console you and uplift you I often tell you not to fear because I want my words to be etched in your mind my Majestic voice to resonate every morning when you wake up listen to me I am here with you saying with the deepest affection that I love you you will face unexpected challenges in your daily life but but you will emerge stronger my strength is in you my grace is sufficient for you my promises ensure that I will never abandon you and after your storms there will always be calm you will be at peace filled with joy and strength you will rise and live your life with all your might and the power I give you I love you there's a way out there's hope for the problem you have there is a solution take time in prayer today and as you remain in my presence I will instill in you the faith and conviction that you are free from all debt all oppression all curses your soul must be immersed in the river of my love you will see that your problems will disappear one by one as you get to know me and allow me to take my rightful place in your heart lift your arms in Victory even if you feel discouraged even if you don't feel like fighting or if you believe your enemies have already defeated you you are a Victor by faith a child of the almighty God who loves you deeply who covers you with Grace and surrounds you with Mercy remember that in the past you have experienced great victories you've faced seemingly Invincible enemies fought with all your strength and triumphed you know what it's like to fight get tired fall and come to my presence to receive strength you know what it's like to rise and Triumph again you've tasted victory before and now even more so you will fight your confl

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