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𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞: I Am Your Strength | God Message for You Today | God’s Message Now

[Music] my beloved I am your strength and your shield and I'm constantly at work often in marvelous ways to revive you and protect you the more you trust in me with all your heart the more your heart can dance with joy I want you to have unwavering trust in me resting in my sovereign control over the entire universe when life seems to spiral out of control cling to me knowing that I am in charge I orchestrate every moment of your life for your good both in this world and the one to come in the midst of adversity your greatest test is to continue trusting that I am both Sovereign and good you may not always comprehend my ways for they are as high above yours as the heavens are above the earth when you respond to troubles with a heart full of gratitude believing that I can bring good even from the most challenging situation it brings me great joy this Act of Faith not only strengthens you but also glorifies me I rejoice when my beloved children offer up songs of Thanksgiving in the midst of their struggles stay vigilant and persistent in your prayers with the help of my spirit you can learn to be increasingly aware of my presence this isn't an easy task as the world is designed to divert your attention away from me with its noise and distractions but remember I'm always close by as near as a whispered prayer people in love yearn for a lone time to focus entirely on each other I am the lover of your soul and I long for you to spend time alone with me when you shut out distractions and fix your Gaze on me your soul awakens to the joy of my presence this deepens your love for me and keeps you spiritually alert prayer becomes effortless when you're aware of my radiant presence remember your prayers not only bless you but also offer a way for you to serve me Rejoice that through prayer you can partner with me in establishing my kingdom on Earth learn to lean on me more and more I fully understand the extent of your weaknesses and it's in those very places where my mighty presence meets you your weakness and my strength fit together perfectly creating a beautiful Synergy designed long before your birth my power is most effective in your moments of weakness this truth may seem counterintuitive and mysterious but it is absolutely real when you feel inadequate or overwhelmed lean on me remind yourself that together you and I are more than sufficient picture yourself holding my hand for I am the one who takes hold of your right hand and assures you do not fear I will help you I want you to rely on me even when you feel capable of handling things independently this requires an awareness of both my presence and your dependence on me my wisdom is Limitless so let me guide your thoughts as you make plans and decisions leaning on me Fosters a warm intimacy between us the intimacy of the one who will never leave you or forsake you guard against attaching your selfworth to your performance when you're dissatisfied with something you've said or done talk to me about it ask for my guidance in distinguishing what is genuinely sinful from what is not confess any sins you're aware of and receive my forgiveness with gratitude live in the freedom of knowing you are my beloved child forever declared not guilty there is no condemnation for those who belong to me you are precious in my sight so refuse to condemn yourself your imperfections serve as a reminder of your humanity and humble you making it easier for you to identify with other flawed individuals Embrace The Humbling for it's a blessing that keeps Pride at Bay thank me for circumstances that diminish your pride and draw you closer to me me accept my Priceless unfailing love in all its fullness I desire you to be increasingly preoccupied with me the default tendency of most people is self-absorption and even my followers can fall into this trap hindering their growth in Grace when a man and woman are deeply in love they can't help but be preoccupied with each other likewise your journey to preoccupation with me begins with loving me wholeheartedly with all your heart soul and mind this is the greatest commandment and it's a noble goal you may not achieve it perfectly in this life but the more you understand and Delight in the incredible unfailing love I have for you the more passionately you can respond to me ask my spirit to assist you on this beautiful Quest this adventure has two facets deepening your reception of my love in its depth breadth and constancy and responding by loving me more and more in doing so you break free from the chains of self-absorption and become increasingly preoccupied with me I find immense joy in setting you free train your mind to dwell on thoughts of me many Christians are defeated because they focus too much on less important matters the news the weather the economy loved one's problems their own problems and so on while it's true that you will encounter trouble in this world don't let it consume your attention remind yourself that I am with you and I have overcome the world I am closer to you than the very air you breathe and yet I am the infinite god king of kings and Lord of lords I am also your loving Savior and faithful friend one of the most profound ways to heighten your awareness of my greatness is through worship worship connects you with the godhead father son and spirit in a glorious way true worship expands My Kingdom of Light pushing back the darkness a beautiful way to praise me is to read or sing the Psalms filling your mind with Biblical truth will help you resist discouragement when trous assail you make an effort to meditat on on who I am your Savor and friend who is also almighty God ask me for wisdom beloved I know you need it desperately King Solomon asked for a Discerning heart and received wisdom in abundance this precious gift is vital For You especially when you face important decisions and plans so come to me for the wisdom you require and trust me to provide it generously wisdom and includes recognizing your need for my help in everything you do when your thoughts become sluggish it's easy to forget about me and plunge into your tasks and activities independently but inevitably you'll encounter obstacles then you'll face a critical choice either to press on relentlessly on your own or to pause and seek my insight understanding and guidance the closer you live to me the more readily and frequently you will seek my assistance the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom though I am your friend always remember who I am in all my power and Glory this Godly fear reverential awe and worshipful admiration provides a strong foundation for wisdom I want you to live without fear of bad news the only way to achieve this is by having a steadfast heart plac in your trust firmly in me there's an abundance of bad news in the world but you need not be afraid of it instead rely on me believe in me find comfort in my sacrificial death on the cross and my glorious Resurrection I your living sav

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