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𝙂𝙤𝙙’𝙨 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙: Close to My Heart | Today’s Message of Love

of your divine Savior your Guiding Light I lead and instruct you so place your unwavering trust in me throughout your day I am here to guide you along the path of Truth imparting valuable lessons as you walk the course I've lovingly prepared for you as both your savior and your God I possess the power to help you overcome any obstacles you may face even your struggles can transform into blessings when they deepen your Reliance on me it is of utmost importance to maintain unwavering faith in me throughout your day it's easy to be confident and secure during moments of rest and smooth sailing yet when life becomes chaotic or unpleasant it's easy to forget the anchor of your hope me however it is precisely during these challenging times that you need me the most therefore make it your ambition to keep your gaze fixed upon me all day long you may not achieve this flawlessly but it is a noble aspiration that gives purpose to your thoughts and allows you to bask in my comforting presence as you journey through life and Trust all your worries to me for I watch over you diligently I am a proficient keeper so Surrender Your anxieties and concerns to me without reservation as soon as you release these burdens and worries you can breathe a sigh of relief and rejuvenate yourself within the Embrace of my affectionate presence it doesn't matter how frequently you must do this whether it be numerous times each day or even during the darkest of nights I'm always Vigilant always ready to catch your cares and bear your burdens due to my Infinite Strength carrying your burdens does not weigh me down in fact I derive great joy from this exchange witnessing your load becoming lighter and your countenance brighter regardless of the weight you cast upon me I never falter so do not let your worries weigh you down remember that I'm by your side ready to help you overcome any challenges you encounter instead of dwelling on your problems approach me with a Carefree spirit and say catch Jesus then with faith cast your cares into my strong waiting hands [Music] I have rescued you from confinement and led you into a vast expanse I saved you because I find Delight in you regardless of your current circumstances if you belong to me you are dwelling in a wide realm of salvation although your present situation may seem constricting your salvation is an ever expanding gift my spirit resides within you constantly working to sanctify you transforming you into my likeness this inner transformation will continue until the day I call you home to Glory Heaven is a place of boundless expanse there you will never experience constriction or frustration I will wipe away every tear from the eyes of my beloved in that Heavenly realm there will be no more death sorrow crying or pain everything and everyone in Heaven Will attain perfection my boundless ocean of love will wash over you filling you to overflowing you will finally possess the capability to love me and others with a perfect love unspoiled by sin this heavenly experience will perpetually expand in ever increasing Jubilation throughout eternity establish your priorities in accordance with my Divine will you may not be able to accomplish all that you desire or all that others expect of you setting priorities helps you make wise decisions by Discerning what takes precedence recognize that your time and energy are finite allowing you to complete only a fraction of your desires or perceived obligations therefore seek my face and my will as you evaluate the opportunities before you allow biblical principles and Promises to guide you in identifying what holds the utmost significance approaching life with intentionality empowers you to make optimal use of your time and energy it also guards against anxiety or guilt stemming from unfulfilled Pursuits to excel in any Endeavor you must find Serenity regarding the Myriad of tasks left unattended when your priorities align with my will you can relax and concentrate on achieving that which I consider essential as you strive to please me above all else you will progressively evolve and into the Masterpiece I designed you to be your momentary and light afflictions are creating an eternal Splendor that transcends them all sometimes life's trials may seem overwhelming and it can be challenging to see beyond the present moment but I want you to understand that I don't waste any aspect of your life including your hardships I use them as teaching tools in the here and now but they also contribute to the Grand Design of heavenly realms your tribulations are forging an eternal Splendor and enhancing the reward you will receive in the realm of Heaven however for this to happen you must navigate adversity with unwavering trust in me when troubles threaten to overwhelm you try to view them as fleeting and insignificant compared to the endless Glory they are producing I have come to Grant you life Abundant Life my primary purpose in becoming incarnate was to secure eternal life for you but I also desire for you to experience abundance today and every day to achieve this you must whose you are and who you are You Belong To Me the Creator and sustainer of the universe you are my beloved child adopted into my royal family adoption is a permanent arrangement I have not employed you as a mere employee instead I have established you as an enduring member of my family don't allow the familiarity of these truths to lull you into apathy I your steadfast guide and more vibrant and Alive than you can conceive as you remain close to me my life infuses into your being Awakening your heart to a more vibrant existence this realization allows you to recognize that you are partaking in an adventurous Journey with me one where you make a profound impact where your choices exert significant influence upon the world and I your God will be your guide until the very end cling tenaciously to the hope you declare for I am unfailing there will be times when all you can do is hold on to me especially when you're waiting for answers to your heartfelt prayers the world your own human Frailty and the adversary may all try to convince you that it's easier to surrender to lingering disappointment they may be correct in the short term but yielding to an attitude of resignation is always detrimental in the long run it often leads to cynicism which can eventually culminate in despair therefore the effort to keep your hope alive is indeed worthwhile courage derived from the French word for heart is an inherent quality within you since I abide in your heart you can call upon me to assist you in living courageously facing adversity or danger with unwavering confidence and Resolute determination I am fully aware of your circumstances and take great pleasure in helping you navigate them stand firm in my strength resisting the urge to yield or Surrender I Delight in you always especially when you courageously cling to Hope in the unwavering light of my steadfast love I

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