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𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞: I AM ALWAYS BY YOUR SIDE | God Message for You Today | God’s Message Now

my beloved child living in close communion with me is like a glimpse of Heaven A Taste of the Divine it's a beautiful experience but I won't deny that it Demands a level of dedication that can be challenging just as David wrote in the Psalms setting me always before him you too can seek my face and enjoy my presence in your everyday life just as he found the beauty in living with me always beside him so can you I am here to train you in this way of life a journey that requires persistent effort and unwavering determination but let me assure you drawing close to me won't take away from your daily activities instead it will Infuse them with vibrant life whatever you do do it for me with me through me in me even the simplest tasks will shine with the joy of my presence when you do them for my sake remember nothing in all of creation can ever separate you from me our beautiful journey together will continue for all eternity don't be afraid for I am right beside you guarding and guiding every step of the way sometimes though you may not be fully aware of my presence fear can be a gentle reminder to reconnect with me when anxiety begins to rise within you take a moment to relax and let the light of my presence shine upon you both outside and within as you rest in the warmth of my love that cold hard fear will gradually Melt Away respond to my love by affirming your love and trust in me remember that I am your guardian and your guide and I protect you from more harm than you can imagine the most precious protection I offer is safeguarding your Eternal Soul because you are my follower your soul is secure in my hands and I will lead you on the path to heaven I will be your guide until the very end when anxiety overwhelms you turn to me for Solace consolation can be described as comfort compassion empathy help encouragement reassurance and relief and I offer all of these to my beloved children but when you're anxious your natural inclination may be to focus on yourself and your problems the more you do this the further you may feel from me and your anxiety May grow use this discomfort as a signal to draw near to me whisper my name and invite me into your difficulties seek my face finding comfort in my compassion and empathy come to me for encouragement reassurance and help I know all about your struggles and I know the best way to navigate them as you rest in my loving presence I will strengthen you provide relief from your anxiety [Music] I want you to remember that nothing in all creation can separate you from my love my consolation is full of blessings my beloved and it brings joy to your soul release the illusion of control over your life when everything goes smoothly it's easy to feel in charge the more you see yourself as the master of your fate the harder the fall when difficulties arise enjoy the times of smooth sailing and be grateful for them but do not become addicted to the feeling of control for storms and uncertainties are an inevitable part of life clinging to control can lead to your downfall I am training you to trust me at all times for I am your Refuge I use adversity to free you from the illusion of control when your circumstances and your future are uncertain turn to me find your security in knowing me the master who is Sovereign over the storms of your life and over everything I am the one who makes you strong who ensures your path is safe come to me just as you are with all your sins and weaknesses confess your sins and ask me to remove them as far as the East is from the West then stay in my presence acknowledging your inadequacies ask me to infuse you with strength recognizing your weaknesses as jars ready to be filled with my power thank me for your insufficiency for it keeps you dependent on me rejoice in my infinite sufficiency I am the one who makes your path safe including protection from worry and excessive planning instead of constantly looking into the unknown future try to remain mindful of me as you journey through each day keep communicating with me allowing my guiding presence to keep you on course I will go before you and beside you removing obstacles from your path trust me to make your path the very best it can be I am a shield for all who take refuge in me when the world feels unsafe and threatening remember this promise I personally shield and protect those who make me their Refuge their safe haven in times of trouble finding shelter in me means trusting in me and pouring out your heart to me no matter what's happening in your life it's always the right time to tell me that you trust me sometimes though you'll need to address your immediate circumstances before pouring out your heart whisper your trust in me and wait for the right moment to express your deepest emotions this honest communication will bring real relief strengthen our relationship and go and go forward my shielding presence is always available to you when you feel afraid turn to me and say Jesus I take refuge in you walk with me in close trusting love bound together in joyful dependence the companionship I offer is filled with precious promises from the Bible I love you with perfect Everlasting Love I am always with you every nanosecond of your life I know everything about you and I've already paid the penalty for all your sins your inheritance kept safe in heaven can never perish spoil or fade I guide you through life and in the end I will take you into Glory dependence is an integral part of being human and I designed you to need me constantly embrace your Reliance on me with joy for it draws you closer to me and allows you to enjoy my presence I invite you to commune with me in more and more moments of your life walk joyfully with me along the path of your journey do not be overwhelmed by evil but overcome evil with good the world may sometimes seem full of darkness and despair with news reports that are alarming and people calling evil good and good evil I am saddened but not surprised by the Brokenness of human hearts unless people are redeemed through faith in me their potential for wrongdoing is boundless instead of being disheartened by the state of the world I want you my followers to shine as lights in the Darkness when evil seems to Prevail be more determined than ever to do good this may involve directly opposing evil or promoting goodness in line with your gifts abilities and circumstances shift your focus from lamenting evil to creating something good many people choose which parts of themselves to bring to me in prayer some hesitate to approach me about traits they find shameful or embarrassing While others live with painful feelings like loneliness fear guilt and shame without seeking help some get so wrapped up in their struggles that they forget I'm here this is not how it should be my beloved there are wounded parts of you that I long to heal some have been with you for so long that you see them as part of your identity I want to set you free but Breaki

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