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𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞: I AM YOUR LIGHT | God Message for You Today | God’s Message Now

my beloved child I am the one who keeps your lamp burning I turn your Darkness into light there are moments when weariness and burdens threaten to extinguish your lamp it flickers and sputters almost running out of fuel in those times call out to me breathe deeply in my presence and remember that I am the one who fuels your lamp I am your strength I am also your light keep turning towards me allowing the glory of my presence to saturate you my radiant Beauty brightens your life and shifts your perspective when you turn away from me and forget that I'm with you your world appears dark yes this world is deeply fallen and darkness abounds but I am the light that continues to shine in the darkness do not be afraid my child trust me wholeheartedly even when things seem gloomy and I will transform your Darkness into light when planning and problems consume your thoughts turn to me and Whisper my name let the light of my presence shine upon you as you Revel in my unfailing love thank me for watching over you always and loving you eternally affirm your trust in me express your Devotion to me and ask me to illiminate the way forward deal with your problems as needed but do not let worry or fear dominate your thoughts keep returning your focus to me and I will illiminate your perspective immerser your mind and heart in scripture read it study it and memorize verses that resonate with you my word is a lamp to guide your steps and a light to illuminate your path by following these guidelines your preoccupation with planning and problems will diminish making space for more of me Delight in the joy of my presence seek my face always I encourage you to let your heart rejoice when you seek me picture a deeply inloved couple when the Man visits his beloved she doesn't casually say oh it's you he doesn't ignore her and ask do you have something to eat no their Hearts Leap with joy because they are together you are my beloved and I am the eternal lover of your soul rejoice in the astounding affection I have for you glorify my Holy Name which is above every name you can use it freely to commune with me and joyously worship me you have the privilege of easy access to me some people take pride in their wealth achievements beauty or fame but I invite you to take joy in me your savior Lord and lover glorifying me will will strengthen and Delight you infusing your prayers with power and your heart with joy never underestimate the power of prayer when people feel discouraged and hopeless they sometimes say there's nothing left to do but pray but this is not a feeble Last Resort it's a powerful connection with me I designed Humanity to communicate with me even When sin entered the world I didn't withdraw this incredible privilege when I walked among you as a man I relied heavily on prayer to my father I understood how much I needed his help persistent heartfelt prayer blesses not only you but also your family friends church and even your country ask the Holy Spirit to help you pray effectively find others to join you in seeking my face with humility and repentance beseech me to heal your land wait in my presence spending time with me brings spiritual emotional and physical benefits yet many of my children think it's a luxury they can't afford they crave rest and quietness but continue in their fast-paced lives I want you to rearrange your priorities to make room for restful times with me I will refresh your soul and strengthen you for the journey ahead be of good courage living in this broken World demands bravery since bravery isn't natural for most you will need my help to be strong and courageous despite the alarming events you don't have to be terrified or discouraged train your thoughts to focus on me repeatedly find comfort in my promise to be with you wherever you go continue to be courageous looking to me for strength I will fortify your heart I am your Living Lord your rock your savior God meditate on my greatness and my unwavering commitment to you in a culture where commitment is often fleeting know that I am your Forever friend and the eternal lover of your soul you are securely held in my love instead of dwelling on troubles remember who I am I am your Living Lord your unchanging ing Rock and your savior God because I am Everlasting my death on the cross for your sins secures your salvation completely don't fear that I'll stop loving you based on your performance it is my goodness and righteousness that keep you secure in my love let my unwavering commitment to you be a source of comfort as you navigate this troubled world one day you will dwell with me in Paradise come eagerly into my passionate presence inviting me to satisfy you with my unfailing love the morning right after you awaken is the best time to seek my face connecting with me eily sets the tone for your day my boundless love is profoundly satisfying it reminds you of your worth and significance it assures you that together we can face the challenges of the day knowing you are forever loved energizes you and grants you the courage to persevere through difficulties meeting my loving presence in the morning equips you to sing for joy and be glad consider the incredible privilege of meeting with the king of kings and Lord of lords in the privacy of your home Rejoice that your name is inscribed in the Lamb's Book of Life etched indelibly take time to savor my presence speak or sing praises read scripture and pray Delight in the truth that nothing in all creation can separate you from my love before you call I will answer while you are still speaking I will hear I understand that sometimes you feel alone lost in the darkness you continue to pray because it's the right thing to do but you wonder if your prayers make any difference in those moments remember who I am the king of glory I transcend time and past present and future are all the same to me that's why I can answer before you even call out to me no prayer of yours goes unheard or unanswered sometimes the answer is no or not yet other times I answer in ways you cannot see for my my wisdom surpasses your understanding Ponder the wonders of my infinite intelligence and revel in my endless love for you if you persist in this intimate adoration you will know beyond a doubt that you are never alone you are mine my beloved my compassions never fail they are new every morning so start each day with confidence knowing that my blessings are abundant this knowledge helps you wait for me entrusting your long unanswered prayers into my care I assure you that not one of those petitions has escaped my notice I want you to drink deeply from my Fountain of Limitless love and unfailing compassion as you wait in my presence these Divine blessings are freely available to you even though many of your prayers remain unanswered find Hope in my great faithfulness I keep all my promises in my perfect way and timing I promise to Grant you peace that can dispel the troubles and fears in your h

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